Queue abusers

furry toon + moon guard + alliance sounds like ERP to me.

CÀpslöck - Pet Journal - Collections (worldofwarcraft.com)

BÀstilÀ - Pet Journal - Collections (worldofwarcraft.com)

You. You know I have your main posting char on ignore, so you swapped characters to bypass said ignore. Now that I’ve done it again, wonder if you’ll hop again.

No, you used it to mock RP because non-RPers don’t know anything about RP servers.

Here’s another one, but sure.

Take notice of their pet names, too.


I have the same favorite pets as someone else? what’s that show?

I stated that RP itself does not show how the end game works.

How do you ignore characters on the forums? I thought that wasn’t an option.

Yeah LFD, so Normal/Heroic Dungeons.

Go into their profile/forum history, click where it says normal, choose ignore, select timeframe for ignore.

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Right click their photo.
Ignore , forever.
If privacy is set, your info, users ,add the name in box

Ignore , forever.

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It’s my perception that the OP is saying only toons spec’d as tanks should be allowed to queue as tanks whereas DPS spec’d toons shouldn’t be allowed to queue as tanks regardless of whether or not they can hold aggro without distressing the healer too much as you are suggesting.

It’s also my perception that, when a ‘DPS tank’ proves to be a failure, one has two options, kick the tank or leave the group. Unless Blizzard chooses to check specs when queuing, those are the only player solutions (or workarounds) to this ‘problem’ and even if they do check, it doesn’t guarantee that you’ll get a tank who knows his stuff.

This is an issue though, seeing as I can dps and tank (and heal if the class allows) proficiently, and will be happy to do any of the 3 that’s required of me. Why can I not queue for all 3 and take what’s picked. Why do I have to queue as only 1?

Not saying you’re wrong in your post, just looking at the “blizzard checks spec when queueing”

So many things could go wrong with that

Yeah, that is sort of the nature of my contention. A mega overgeared dps spec coming in and tanking will in all probability be better to run a dungeon with that a low geared tank spec player. Since they are probably more effective that what you would normally expect to get, what does it matter? I play tank so yeah I’ll bring my 248 tank to a heroic dungeon to get augment runes but on a heroic dungeon it really doesn’t matter what spec I use because I’ll be doing multiple x more damage than the 160 something fresh capped characters dpsing heroic. If it works who cares. If it doesn’t work, there was always the chance the tank you got would cause issues, regardless of it they were in a prot spec or not.


I don’t disagree with you. I mentioned this solution to align with what the OP wanted. Back in Wrath, between 60 and 65, we got a lot of DK ‘tanks’ which made the instance more ‘interesting’, and sometimes a real pain in the ‘a’. Normally in Wrath, the tanks would show up as 3rd or 4th in dps.

In a later xpac, I noticed that the tanks tended to have the highest dps which made me wonder if Blizz abandoned the aggro getting skills in favor of ‘most dps = most threat’. I haven’t done instances in a long time because of all the b.s. that seemed to accompany pugs so I never figured out if their philosophy had, in fact, changed. I kind of gather from the OP that it has not.

It wouldn’t be there in the first place, if they had not designed it to be as such.

If they want players to get in to esports, then they need to separate that out from general play. As it is right now, it’s spreading in to areas where there is no need nor place for it.

Considering what we have seen of recent xpacks, yes. Class design, and glomping on of rando power sources. “Hey what happens when a Venthyr Boomies does starfall on this boss???” Queues mass destruction, druids cheering in the background and tears from the masses

They sort of did abandon aggro generating skills. I believe they buffed threat gen in TBC and made it a much larger buff in wrath. Basically you get an aggro generating buff when in tank spec. Back in the day if memory serves it was tied to defensive stance, the pally aura, bear form, and the DK tank aura. All specs of DK could use the extra threat aura so you actually had all 3 specs see play as raid tanks which was crazy. They changed that to be baked into a passive buff when you are in a tanking spec now.

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When I go in as a healer I’ll start out mostly DPSing
and then see how many people almost die to just blithely standing in perfume spills. If it’s a nonzero amount, I’ll switch over to mostly healing.

There have been very few times when I was able to just DPS all the way through :expressionless:

Twilight Devastation maxed on all of them during such BfA stunts. Mythic gear in SL. And Guardians do have heals.

C’mon. 25 tanks is not a typical playstyle for any expansion.

They ran twilight devastation gear in castle nathria?

Fixed that.

Precisely. As DPS tanks aren’t typical, but they’re a thing and able to pull it off. Like 25 tanks downing a H Danny

You have the same exact pets. Those characters are from the same account.


Too bad pure DPS classes cannot queue LFD as a tank role, because they’re not tanks
 Which is what this entire thread is about, not about PREMADE groups made by choice to voluntarily restrict and have fun on their OWN groups terms not involving other people that are unwilling participants. :3 If you’re not tank specced, don’t select ‘tank’ in the LFD/LFR window. Simple as.