Queue abusers

2 laypersons opining on a topic doesn’t prove or disprove anything.

While true, if we take the exerts of Blizzard:

Mighty warriors depend on their heavy armor, shields, and battle prowess to defend themselves and ensure enemies don’t focus on their softer-skinned allies.

Stalwart paladins are trained to use the heaviest armor and shields, and can utilize their skill to ensure that enemies focus on them, defending weaker members of their group.

Stalwart monks defend their allies by distracting enemies with their dizzying brews and uncanny elusiveness.

When shapeshifted into their bear form, druids possess a thick skin and imposing presence that makes them ideal front-line protectors of weaker party members.

The chaotic energy that flows within Demon Hunters gifts them with unparalleled durability.

To protect themselves and their fellows from death in battle, death knights gird themselves in heavy armor and parry attacks with their blades.


Nowhere does it say anything about being in a specific spec to tank. Simply that you distract and keep the enemies focused on you. As per the definition of blizzard set forth for their game, if you can do that, you can “tank”


If “DPS” are meant to be able to tank, why can’t pure DPS classes queue as tank for dungeons or LFR, let alone battlegrounds? Checkmate, Grizzle-thiest.

you have now presented evidence to support your opinion. Unless the opposing side responds, this will be treated as a motion for summery judgement that will be granted

Who said anything about being “meant” to.

Simply that they can.

So you’re taking the Gene Krantz in Apollo 13 stance?
“I don’t care about what anything was DESIGNED to do, I care about what it CAN do.”

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Why does my Druid and Paladin and Monk and DK and DH all have taunt? It’s part of their design

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In a premade group, not in queued content, which has strict set roles to even queue for. :3 Maybe go argue at Blizzard about that one.

It is not an uncommon thing in medicine that something is rather good at dealing with an issue other than the one it was designed to. In vanilla it turned out the best way to tank on a warrior involved speccing mainly into dps talents, which is doubtful to be bliz’s design intention.

If you are unhappy with a group member, you should initiate a vote to kick them.

I also find it funny that an ERP player is presenting opinions about how the game does and does not work.

Ahh, capslock hopping on additional characters to bypass an ignore, posting on multiple chars in the same thread, and engaging in 'haha all RP is this thing I don’t like" Someone should read the “Welcome! Please read” thread.


not that, just that it doesn’t show how end game works.

What are we talking about here? Normal dungeons?

For most players, queued content is a snooze fest, especially once geared. As such, most take a “as long as it works, no complaints” stance. What likely happens in cases like this is they queue as both tank and DPS, get in as tank and just don’t switch roles because they know they can either kill things very fast, take the damage and/or hold threat just by the massive damage they do.

The real issue is those not geared or skilled enough to do it see others doing it ad thinking they can when they can’t and the group pays for it.

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Annnnnnnnd you just lost all credibility with that one.

until you show evidence I’m going to assume you’re lying lol.

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There’s already a system in place for getting rid of people not doing their role. Vote kick them and move on with your life. There’s a dozen different ways people can come in an instance and not participate. You complain about the tank not tanking, what about the warlock not warlocking, or the DH not leather daddying? I’ve never seen OP’s issue because when I queue matchmade PVE I queue tank and I actively tank when I queue tank. But, I sure as heck seen plenty of times when DPS or healer queue in and don’t participate meaningfully. I never came here and posted “do something about this lazy warlock!”. I just hit vote kick and move on with my day.

They don’t have evidence for most of what they say. Just their opinions that they present as fact.

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that’s exactly what these players do. “i don’t have to interrupt, i’m a dps and interrupt doesn’t do any damage” “don’t ask me to purge, it does zero dps, make someone else do it”

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