Queue abusers

How will that help you?

You’ll go from having some dumdum who queued for tank but is a dps to some dumdum that queued for tank but is dps and has now been switched to a spec they could have possibly never played in their life so you now have an even more useless player in your group :laughing:

Wasn’t there a group at the end of Antorus that killed normal argus with only healers?

But the one who have the ability to tank, even if not in spec, can queue as as a tank. As we’ve already discerned by blizzard definition of what a tank is meant to do.

Not sure, I was away from the game for a few months around that time

found it: 21 disc priests, no tanks or DPS


I like when people do stuff like this

they might not even have a shield

The problem isn’t that being a DPS and queueing as tank is inherently wrong; it’s that doing that while sucking is bad. I’ve been in groups where the tank was in DPS specs, and they were top damage and never lost threat.
