Because Blizzard employees I’m sure would prefer to not be working at 3am… and if it’s going to disrupt players no matter what time you do it, do it when it’s convenient for your employees.
oh gotcha. yep, that makes sense to me!
it’s because the people who work on the game don’t want to come in that early.
Just move to someplace in the world where maintenance happens at 3am for you and you’re good. Ezpz
It’s simple: it will not always be the preferable schedule for someone. It is not a question of “relative price” that you are wanting to involve and it has nothing to do with it.
What is not understood is why you (and others) believe that being from the USA they should have preferential consideration in the maintenance schedule.
What’s more, from the outside it looks quite funny.
If they were smart they would do it when we roll the clocks back so that way they don’t go down because they come back up before the maintenance starts.
Stop letting out the secrets of time travel
they should put all the servers on a big plane and just fly west really fast so maintenance ends before it even begins
pfff lol. Nobody listens to me. I could share the cure for the common cold and it’d not be taken seriously. Nobody’s going to figure it out, I don’t think.
That’s how I play for free. I’ve been on a plane flying backwards since 2037 and Blizzard is two years away from owing me money. Two of your years, 6 of mine.
The cure for the common cold is the rare hot. But its super rare so very hard to obtain. .1% drop
I thought I found that once but I dropped it.
Cause it was hot.
pay to win confirmed! i knew it!
I’ve been a professional software developer for over 40 years now, and, during all that experience, updates to production systems were a) always done after hours and b) if the update doesn’t work, then it is rolled back and tried again some other time.
define “after hours” for a 24-7 live service game
like it’s very obvious with thinkorswim, a stock/options trading app. after hours trading ends at 8pm EST. they can take the service down with no material impact to basically anyone after that time.
it’s not clear that wow has “after hours”, or that what we think might be their “after hours” actually coincides with lowest user impact.
well, I dunno about the winning part. lol. I pay to be just slightly above below average.
Third shift teams cost more money, and no one is in the NOC (Network Operations Center) who can handle a full scale crash at 2am. Daylight hours ensure ALL manpower is available for the maintenance in case anything goes wrong. More bodies to throw at the issue with minimal downtime.
Ah yeah, they should totally do it during primetime for their largest playerbase. That makes more sense. 4head
As others have pointed out. There are many different Time Zones. So a good time for some, would be a bad time for others. In reality, there is no good time for it.
Second thing is work hours. They arent just turning things off and on. So they do the maintenance when the people who are going to be doing the maintenance are working.
They are not going to have their team and workers, work random overnights constantly. That is not a viable way to run a team. And they arent going to hire a team, who is specifically going to work overnights. Once a week, sometimes 2 or three times a week, to implement fixes and things, that they did not themselves work on.
So as many of us do, who on more than one occasion have off time during maintenance… do something else.
PLEASE, tell me how this would work? You honestly mean, take down east coast servers at their 3am, then central at their 3am? People dont necessarily play on their server’s time zone.
I really want to hear how you think this would work. Also how would the workers accomplish this? Schedule wise? Being this confidently wrong is a type of a talent.
You set a time, just like they already do, but you set it for after hours based on the server, like, as the original commenter said, 3AM or something. You know perfectly well what was meant.