Question, why isn't maintenance done in the overnight hours?

Impact less people
Impacts the most people

You might want to look up what “impacts the most people” is, because 7am-11am pacific on a Thursday is definitely not that.

Blizzard is just an Indie company, give them a break. not like they make millions in subs a month or anything, they probably can’t afford to pay for a night crew to do this work once a week.

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Basically what one of the Aussie’s said and adding the European folks in as well.

The interesting part is (and I’ve looked), is that Blizzard doesn’t have any SLA’s (Service Level Agreements) - so they don’t have a promised amount of uptime and tolerable amount of downtime for their service. Basically, they can bring it up and take it down whenever they want for as long as they want and there’s no customer recourse.

SLA’s do things like provide compensation for missed target uptimes. If we get compensated for extended downtime, it’s purely because Blizzard has handwaved that credit.

I hope this helps :slight_smile:

I wondered this as well then remembered its a world-wide game. This region includes aussies and others on different time zones.
So 7:00 am on Tuesdays where the day and time the less players were on. Also 7:00 am on any weekday is there slow time as well.
They have the numbers so we can only assume this

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I don’t have a lot to add here, but just wanted to chuckle a bit at people think Blizzard (or any company) pays salaried workers extra for working late at night.

Cuz blizz employees will scream REEEEEEEEEEE REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!
They will go full fetal position and threaten to walk out.

Microsoft needs to move Blizzard out of California ASAP.

3 am where in the US Region? it’s all Americas & Oceanic.
Overnight where?

Night where at the US Region?

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as someone who doesnt live there, i disagree.

I pay the same amount of dollars than you.

I imagine you had a point? Are you trying to conflate that with pricepoints being equal (taking it at face value) that the argument then shouldn’t be who is impacted least then?

Ignoring the fallacy to begin with that somehow one should be able to influence things by opening their wallet more…

Technically its ALWAYS overnight hours SOMEWHERE.

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Becuase its the least impactful time for the most amount of people. Most people in the USA work during the day, so this maintenance window won’t effect them. Changing it would. It sucks thats it’s been so often this expansion, but it is what it is.

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I wonder tho, ill bet theres many chinese players who would think "why dont they maintenance when im asleep?

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have you worked for video game companies?

peak time for video games and peak time for productivity software probably do not coincide.

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Because the world doesn’t revolve around the USA. Sorry.


LOL it’s not about being the center of the world it’s about being where the game developer headquarters is. Project less anger.

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It’s always overnight somewhere.

That’s why I suggested to do it while I am asleep, or let me choose what time the update happens so I can log on earlier.


why does the HQ location matter more than where the users are?

And they dont pay for game masters, what makes you think theyd pay overtime overnight?