Question: when will we have a pirate expansion? Blizz and wow community


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THANK YOU. I get BFA was not alot of peoples cup of tea but a solid 3rd, if not half, was pirates.

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This is kinda why I like the dynamis gimmick FF14 introduced in Endwalker. The adrenaline, emotion and the importance of the battle directly correlating to how strong you are. Sure it’s a bit of a gimmicky pull, but it helps explain why you can go from battling gods to save the universe to still being threatened by random bandits and thugs that don’t know any better.

Meanwhile in WoW some random angry lizard that just woke up from a millenia long nap is stronger than the embodiment of Death itself.

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what if… hear me out.

you wake up on the beach of a mysterious island, after being shipwrecked. you have no memory, but somehow you’re The Chosen One?

eh? eh?

I still have to correct myself because I call it combat lol

Pirates are too basic. That was Vanilla time. They will only ever be filler cause nothing about a pirate means threat to azeroth or anything big.

There literally is, it’s called Battle for Azeroth.

Play Alliance and you’ll see that.


You are seriously understating how big pirates were in BfA … though I suppose it could be a difference in the Alliance and Horde experience because as an Alliance player Blood Trolls were barely a thing outside of Underrot (and maybe Uldir? I’ve never stepped foot in that raid so idk).

I am bipolar, meaning I play in the alliance and in the horde; And I’m playing Wow since the cataclysm expansion, and I have 20 alters. I mean, you can’t tell me that BFA was a pirate expansion because it never was, it was just a faction war, the title of the BFA expansion (Battle for Azeroth) says it clearly.

I doubt there will be an xpac entirely focused on pirates. Though it wouldn’t surprise me if the way we get through the storms to the Arathi Empire is with the Nelf pirate Nightsquall they set up in Dragonflight.

no bipolar is a medical condition.


Not on my pizza it doesn’t!

You just triggered my trap card!

…i miss trust level 3, spare me a level :stuck_out_tongue:

Fun fact. Depending on how you input the URL, the forum doesn’t require TL3 to display youtube links. But here you go:

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I can because it literally was.

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Pirates ruined my Combat Class.

Please, no more Pirates…/smh

It had pirates in it, but they weren’t the focus. I’d like to see a pirate focused expansion. More high seas stuff. It’s better than all the cosmic void crap.

after worldsoul saga

I would love to have seen more done with Freehold in BFA. It was a fun questing area as part of the story, but after that it was just a dungeon. It would have been cool to have a choice of pirate factions to join and maybe that would have been the focus of Island Expeditions, focused more on exploration, etc. than just a speed run for azerite.

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Not pirate enough. We got massively jipped on the cosmetics.