BfA had some pirate themed stuff in it, but that was not the main storyline. Still, going with a pirate theme expansion might be akin to ripping open an unhealed wound (BfA) that is best left forgotten. Regardless, we probably had our taste of pirate themes with Plunderstorm until the next three expansions are done.
There were pirates all over the freakin’ place Alliance side. Maybe drag a character through it sometime if you’ve got the itch. The Pirate Continent, the Witch Continent and the Old Gods Plus Water But Also A Little Pirate-ey continent.
Did you play BFA? The alliance story campaign was pirate themed. Freehold wasn’t just a dungeon, the story brought you there and you had to wear your pirate’s hat to fit in. Island expeditions where you have to loot faster than the opposing faction. There was naval lawlessness throughout. That’s all pirate stuff.
I guess Burning Crusade was the Ogre expansion because we had Blades Edge. WotLK was the viking expansion because we had Howling Fjord. Cataclysm was the Indiana Jones expansion because we had Uldum!
Do you see how silly it is to call an expansion’s theme based on one zone?
What I’d like to see in a pirate expansion: a garrison-type ship which would serve as both player housing and a gameplay element.
You’d go to the docks of your capitol city and talk to an NPC to board your ship. You’d then get put in an instance called “the High Seas” which is a giant open area. There would be a Free-For-All warmode version of this as well. It’d basically be WoW’s attempt at copying Sea of Thieves. So you’d have places that are kind of like delves and island expeditions, giant sea monsters, ghost ships, inclement weather which would affect your ship, etc.
That is the dream. But…in the meantime, there’s the World Soul Saga. For the next 6 years.
I understand that BfA wasn’t exclusively a “pirate expansion”, so it didn’t quite check the box for those who wanted specifically that.
But it had a large enough pirate presence that people who DON’T care for pirates are pirated out and will be for probably quite awhile. Nautical themes in general contribute to that too. Not inherently pirate, but the same vibe to a lot of people.
Tiragarde was the pirate zone. Full stop. All pirates.
Boralus was partially a pirate city.
Kul Tiran Humans are a nautical people.
Pirates had significant presence in Stormsong Valley.
The entire first third of the questline in Stormsong is something about looking for the fleet or something. Nautical.
We had a raid boss fight on the open seas firing cannons off a boat.
We got sunk into the Ocean and did things there for awhile.
We had 2.5 pirate dungeons (Siege of Boralus, Freehold, Tol Dagor).
Outlaw Rogues still existed, to the dismay of all.
You could maybe argue that by the time the Worldsoul Saga is over, it’ll have been enough time to consider a full blown pirate expansion. That’s the best you can really hope for if you still want pirates.
And tbh, there’s a chance that happens. There’s a book in Dragonflight that talks about a pirate who went all over the place and there’s an interesting tidbit in there that could be hinting at something in the future.
"O' course, ye've likely heard the greatest tale o' them all. How after buildin' a brand new flagship he set sail for the west, promisin' not to return until he'd seen all there was o' the world and taken his share.
That was years ago, and many tides have passed without so much as a whisper.
Even an old salt like me started to wonder if he'd met his match.
That what they say about the western storms be true, that monsters and magic make the ocean impossible to cross.
That in payment for his pride, it was now Nightsquall who be feedin' the fishes in the halls o' [Neptulon](
But hear me now, and know I be speakin' true. The Nightsquall has returned!
He ain't tellin' tales o' what he seen on his journeys, but the hulls o' the ships that made it back be full to burstin' with treasures like ye've never seen before!
And that ain't all. The Nightsquall says he's got a new prize in his crosshairs. And to claim it, he aims to build the biggest pirate fleet the world has ever known!"
Hmm. Not to sure about pirates as an over all theme for an entire expansion. They seem fine in situational doses.
A whole expansion though… the players would be probably be having high expectations. Being that shows like Black Sails and Our Flag means Death with the earlier Pirates of the Caribbean films raised the bar for any and all pirate media, and anything less would bring forth a terrible tantrum for which the forums isn’t prepared for.
In short, based on the current writing team and how the forums are, if a pirate theme expansion (hell or even a major patch) did happened, people would probably be wanting something similar to Black Sails, and in return, would be given WoW’s watered down version of Captain Jake and the Neverland Pirates.
I blame Howard Pyle, but love him for his illustrations that allowed Pirates to have their current look since the late 1800s.