There are already many pirate transfigurations, but there is no pirate expansion, nor a pirate class such as a raiding corsair, the famous maramare healer that other games already have You’re classy if you can dress like a pirate but it’s only for Rogue.
But I already know that many people do not like the pirate expansion and that there have already been 3 years occupied by continuous saga expansion.
Never. WoW will never have a pirate expansion. There are no pirates. There are not going to be pirates. They blew their pirate wad on their stupid Fortnite-clone gaiden game.
Honestly a Large portion of BFA was pirates. We had Pirate Storyline where we took over a third of the continent, Pirate Vulpera, Undead Pirates looting in Voldunai that had the same curse as the pirates in pirates if the Caribbean, Pirate cosmetics, Pirate dungeons. Its pretty much been done!
BFA had Freehold and a couple random quests. The vast majority of the expansion was war effort, blood trolls, naga and opd gods.
Look, I don’t care if we get a pirate expansion or not, but calling BFA a pirate expansion because of one dungeon and a couple of quests is like calling pizza a salad because it has a bit of pineapple on it.