Question: when will we have a pirate expansion? Blizz and wow community

Pirates can’t fill an expansion.

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Absolutely! That show was amazing.

But honestly, this is probably the more likely case.

What if it is a Pirate vs Ninja xpac were Rogues get a Pirate fourth spec that dual welds guns and Monks also get a fourth spec around stealth with throwing weapons.

The one piece is real!

laughs in vrykhul

Vrykuls are also pirates but more savage (vrykul laughter)

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The war table in WoD was enough boating for me.

I suppose. NOt fan of the priate aesthetic, honestly. Too many buckles and hats.

Those are undead ones though. But yea always wanted them to be playable since Wrath came out originally.

They will always be lame, because the type of guys into pirates are usually just intolerable. They’ve ruined the idea of pirates for me.
They’re the type of guy with a funko pop collection, a lot Nintendo products, and a very hairy second chin.

BFA was technically the pirate expansion,.

It wasn’t entirely pirates because pirates on their own are extremely boring.

Not as boring as elves, or the cosmic crap. The next 3 expansions are going to be the worst story arc they’ve ever done.

BFA had a pretty heavy pirate theme.