Question To People Who Vehemently Dislike Group Loot

how many do you have?

how long are we gonna go before you get “too busy” to reply

Probably more than you.

type them out.

Little man is so mad I don’t think I should have to give him all my loot and work for free.

how many CE do you have? go ahead now :slight_smile:

btw im looking at your armory right now… so i know the answer :slight_smile:

also, i advocated for equal distribution of loot… one piece of loot per person per boss is quite equal and fair, no? you sound like a selfish person who wants to be able to win every piece of loot from every boss and leave everyone else with nothing.

I don’t need to answer then, little man. You’ll notice I’m posting from my main rather than hiding behind a brand new classic alt.

you asked me how many CE i have, so yes you do need to answer… actually you don’t because im looking at your achievements now.

don’t you have a business to run?

I don’t have to answer at all. See, you think you own other people, but you just don’t.

when are you going to go back to your business?

What’s got you so upset, little man?

but yet you are also free to never post on this thread in the first place, but here you are.

exactly, how many CE feats do you have?

is it alright for you to ask me but not for me to ask you? hmmmmmm.


Good point. I think though as of now with the change people are upset, and rightfully so, that you cannot get a tier item in LFR if you have a higher ilvl one. So they can’t get the mog. If they are putting in the time like everyone else in the LFR then they deserve the loot if they win it.

As for me though and to your question, I am fine with it. I mean, if I were to roll need on something anything even if I didn’t need it, I would have gotten it in personal loot too. It basically is the same system in the long except for the new update that I mentioned.

This is why overall, I personally think they should just go back to personal loot (and bring back master loot as an option for other raids and people can decide if they want to join those runs or not) for this reason but also the illusion that personal loot makes people feel like they have a better shot at loot only makes more people happy.

Personal Loot = You’re losing to this system.
Group Loot = You’re losing to another player, who might have the opportunity to trade the item to you.

Because the potential to acquire at least some item is higher, the loss is felt more frequently.

You wanted to attack my middling parses when I’ve barely done raid content this expansion, little man. You seem to be under the mistaken belief that you can control what I say and do. You don’t. You’re really just a sad nobody who has nothing but insults and vitriol as your arguments. Don’t forget. You responded to me first. I wasn’t talking to you unless you are the OP and you’re posting from another character.

you made an incorrect statement and i politely corrected it… sorry that made you so upset :slight_smile:

Whatever you say, little man.

here is your first post, to which i replied and proven was incorrect.

you said that someone has entitlement over loot, which is simply not correct.

people who advocate for personal loot want equal distribution of loot, not one person to get loot over 20 other people for every boss.

In what world does someone get “ALL DROPS” from one boss in personal loot? that literally is impossible and can never happen…

whatever i say, indeed :slight_smile:

You keep throwing tantrums, little man. Nobody cares.

why are you still replying then? You keep saying incorrect things and i am logically and methodically proving they are incorrect with evidence, yet you still want to complain about my posts?

sure, ok.

“My opinions = super factual evidence” - little man