Actually it is not. It was one of the reasons as a raid lead I was glad when they went to personal loot. Perhaps the narrative is the opposite?
The Group Loot advocates are the ones who don’t understand how it really works.
Personal Loot takes each person’s spec into account. It never, ever generates unusable loot (although upgrades and BiS secondaries are never guaranteed).
Group Loot does not take anyone’s spec into account. It generates loot based upon some predetermined team composition that may or may not suit your raid team.
For example, under the Personal Loot system, a raid of 20 leather wearers would only see leather armor drop. They would see Agility and Intellect weapons, and trinkets, drop in the proper proportion over time.
Under Group Loot, that same raid team would see unusable Cloth, Mail, and Plate armor drop. Unusable Strength weapons and bows would drop. Trinkets might not drop in the right proportion.
Group Loot fans are the ones that don’t understand that Personal Loot means more loot for everyone over time.
group loot is legitimately awful because theres ret paladins rolling need on shields, when they clearly do not need the shield since theyre … ret paladins
Until people stack 30 druids or pallies or monks and get 4 of the same tier token every boss.
It just depends on what your loot spec was set too when you called the boss what it lets you roll on. Personally with the removal of personal loot your loot spec should be locked to what youre active spec is. This can obviously cause issues for certain bosses say broodkeeper if you have a dps swap too a third tank but way less then people swapping specs for every boss for offspec loot
Matter of fact when people do multiple run with 0 loot compared to personal loot they would get at least 1 piece , i think your missing the point here
Thank you for getting it. YOU UNDERSTAND
I mean I prefer group loot vs personal loot because I enjoy seeing what actually drops and it gives me the nostalgia feel of old WoW and I only raid with a guild so people taking things that they dont need isnt an issue.
That being said there does need too be afew changes made too grouploot like winning multiple tier tokens/ the same item and have your loot spec locked too your active spec.
How is giving the player a choice of which type of loot group to join, “forcing a system?”
If you don’t want to join a Master Loot group, and there are no Personal Loot groups listed, you could start one of your own. I’m pretty sure it would fill up fast.
If you become leader you control the loot so why would you make it personal at that point?
No. I want personal loot so that if I do LFR for transmogrification, I can just not loot the boss and have any gear that I win go straight to my mailbox. I don’t have to deal with drama about who deserves what dropped for me.
there is no leader or master loot in looking for raid .the loot becomes a free for all ?
go try looking for raid an watch a player use a roll dice hack wich can be downloaded from the addons in drkweb site
ive watched a warlock from raganaros roll 100 perfectly in lfr
on 3 boss an won loot all of it even plate 0.0
the next week i won a pice for my tier piece 4 players from mal ganis wanted the legs so badly they offered 20k gold on their realm
i declined because they would not bring the gold to my realm
i then proceeded to check their armor all 4 players have equipped 415 legs on when i won the roll . they wanted it for transmogg
so at the end of the raid after i left after being told they refuse to give me 20k gold on my realm …i equipped the pieces and still got them on
it was a upgrade for me cause i dont so mythics .i got burned out after 2 years of mythics … so no to this group loot in LFR please
Because they want a good, fun run. Not one full of drama.
I’d even venture to say a Personal Loot group would fill up exponentially faster, which is another reason to start one.
But that clearly seems it would never be you, since your first instinct is to just take power, so I see how you have such myopia about it.
well you are correct about something - raids aren’t fun to me. however, the reason why people don’t like master loot is they don’t trust the raid leader, if you make your own group that problem is gone.
this is one of the best advertisements for personal loot I have seen though. Shouldn’t everyone want that?
Check out the Ragemode thread guys.
Take note of how many folks say “If you helped kill the boss you are entitled to loot.” here.
But in guild runs they are all like “We don’t need folks stealing our loot!”
seems like you are the one who doesnt understand. the winning and losing is moot, its the fact that a human being now has power to influence loot distribution that is the issue. with personal loot it was all decided by a cold emotionless algorithm, that didnt play favorites, didnt decide loot out of spite, didnt decide who was most “deserving” of the loot. it just rolled numbers and acted on those numbers.
now you have people rolling need on everything under the sun because a button lights up, and while its not common, you have people winning multiple pieces of gear from a single boss. something that was nigh impossible with personal loot outside of those bonus roll tokens.
they took a perfectly fine system and replaced it with one that people can game for whatever reason they feel is justified. just because people were heated they couldnt deny undesirables gear.
the way DF works is how cataclysm worked with some minor albeit useless “loopholes” that seemingly dont work or are so loose that they may as well not even exist. theres a reason it was replaced, players are spiteful little hobgoblins who delight in the misfortune of others.
I think the answer is no, because one of the largest complaints (geared players rolling need), is basically them complaining that the system is too much like PL.
An understanding amongst guild members on how tier should be distributed
If they are rolling on shields they are in prot or holy loot spec.
On many cases it generates unusable loot. Items where it is a small ilvl bump, but the stat weights are so bad, that its not worth using. Technically its usable. But functionally it is not.
Yes you could stack the raid and stack the loot specs to influence the drops. There is no guarantee that the items would drop in any type of proportion. Only that you can put your finger on the scale and affect the loot chances by class/armor stacking. And that is a problem they tried to address.
Group loot dropping items that no one in the raid can use, is a huge problem that they have created in itself. It is one of the systems biggest flaws. They also tried to fix not being able to trade an item that was an ilvl upgrade, but you didnt want. Which is a good thing.
Both systems have their flaws. Class stacking was a problem. Their fix, was not a good one. I dont know the solution, but it may come down to having to choose between class stacking affecting loot, or unusable loot.
In my opinion, they either need to go to free trade personal loot, or just have group loot respect raid comp and drop items accordingly. Both can be exploited, yes. So how to combat the exploiting, while making it a good feeling for everyone is the crux.
I feel like people that are for group loot are robots or intentionally missing the point.
losing a role to an algorithm is way way different than losing a role because the indifference of your fellow humans.
sure it sucks to not win a roll on personal loot and not get something It sucks way more to watch a drop and to watch somebody that already has it equipped role needs so that they can disenchant it.
it’s not about math or statistics. It is about a human emotional response. so stop trying to punch it into your calculator and prove everybody that you’re right.