Group is worse because the thing you want drops, and 15 people roll for it, and you lose.
I’d rather it just didn’t drop than see it and not get it.
Trinkets or tier in lfr is a joke, someone who was dead the whole fight or in full mythic gear will win it.
I dislike group loot because it causes friction within the group. When it was personal loot, there wasn’t any expectation that you might get the piece from the person who received it.
With group loot, lots of things come into play. First is if you are unlucky (like me) and always roll low numbers, it is depressing. Next, since people can win multiple items, you could see someone win all of the available items and that seems a bit unfair. Then there is the party politics that often come into play. Raid leaders telling people what they can and cannot roll on, etc. All of these things create bad blood within raid groups. What people seem to forget was why blizzard went to personal loot to begin with. Hopefully this experiment will remind them.
go read the 10 other threads instead of making a new one
No. But in personal loot:
→ We wouldn’t see items drop that aren’t for anyone in the raid
→ I wouldn’t feel bitter about people taking loot for transmog or D/E or vendor or any other reason that isn’t a main spec upgrade over someone who it is a main spec upgrade for
→ Personal loot I legit just found I got more loot over all. I am not winning very many rolls in Group Loot, PL I felt every 4-6 bosses something dropped for me(useful or not is a different issue)
→ Personal loot just seemed like a no drama, quick looting, can’t blame anyone but the game kind of system if you didn’t get something
No, we just got a ton of rings, necks, and cloaks that got de’d every week after 3.
You being in your feelings is a you problem.
RNG gonna RNG. I’ve had the best luck in 10 years in DF.
The game is still doing the actual rolls and should still be getting the blame.
It’s an easy fix. Group leader must check type of loot the group will be on forming group. All members must check AGREE before being allowed to join group.
LFR: Player must check either Master or Group for loot choice before joining queue.
Do 8 raids, kill the end boss 8 times, have 8 pieces of gear. Other bosses in raids can be mog/mount/whatever pinatas. So basically if there’s 6 pieces in a gear set, that’s 6 raids you have to do to get the set.
PL in SL = I got loot. Maybe 1-2 pcs per raid.
GL in DF = I’ve gotten 1 pc of gear in a month of 5-6 bosses/week heroic kills, 2 pieces in normal full clearing for a month.
you didn’t get drops for classes that aren’t in the raid with personal loot, stop parroting this garbage
they might have because personal loot takes into consideration gear types of the raid - so person ‘x’ might have been rolling against 10 people in that group loot raid, whereas with personal loot the game would adjust the drop rate for the gear types so they would have had a better chance (i.e more gear).
nope unless you are in a raid where there is no other of the same gear type - then you get everything that drops. If you are in a raid group with half of the group leather wearers and you are a leather wearer you have a lot lower chance of getting gear.
sounds like you are still forcing a system.
There isn’t many group leaders that like to give away the power of that loot distribution so people would never find personal loot raid unless they made a group themselves. And if they made them themselves, then they fall into that control trap…
from what i have witnessed in the past with group loot and then what i have witnessed in SL with personal loot. and then what i am witnessing now with group loot all over again, is that, with group loot people are more greedy. they know they can, they know they dont need, but they can. yup NEED!
what i noticed with personal loot is that psychologically when a player gets something they dont want or need looted to them something goes off in their brain (for most people) to give it to someone in need. in SL while doing raid finders on lesser alts i seen alot of sharing and giving.
NOW, lol all i see is need need need need need need need need need need. and this goes for more than transmog. this is people rolling on rings and necks and trinkets that are obviously way way worst ilvl and stat wise than what they are wearing.
i dunno maybe many of these people just dont know they are supposed to greed or pass? and the rest are just greedy. but group loot creates its own toxicity while personal loot creates more pleasantness among players.
and for the players that get something they dont need on PL and dont give it away then fine. at least other players wont get mad a them for rolling on something they didnt need.
i dunno, common sense i think.
people are needing more because it is faster to just do that than to sort through all the gear that comes up. I do but then almost all my rolls are under 40 so I never win anything anyway.
This isn’t accurate. PL favored stacking but didn’t punish you for not stacking, loot only dropped that you could equip for your loot spec . GL drops loot that no one can equip, GL punishes stacking. With GL you don’t want anyone of your class in the raid and you don’t want any of your class token pool in the raid.
I’ve only gotten “raid loot” from the vault despite raiding every week. This never happened under PL, I never raided for weeks without getting a drop. Sure I didn’t get drops I wanted all the time. But I never just didn’t get loot. The last time this was an issue was before PL.
1 more than me, in mostly normal raids.
Gear and rngesus is lame enough, add group loot to the mix and it’s just adding salt to the wound.
It’s bad and they brought it back anyway.
LFR is a good example. Example: Someone with the best necklace you can have currently needing and getting that LFR necklace. It’s not even a transmog. The concept is just bad.
PL is faster
Thats why its statistics. Your scenarios are true. If I am the only leather wearer and a leather piece drops I have a better chance than if I am in a group of 20 leather wearers. Thats obvious.
Statistically though you have to take into account how many raids you run, how many leather wearers are in all of those raids, how many leather pieces dropped, how many of those leather wearers rolled need compared to greed/passing or simply werent eligible to roll because they already had the equipment etc. etc. etc.
There is no doubt in the short term there will be(and of course are) the stories of people who get no loot or loot doesnt even drop for their class etc. Over the course of time not only will it statistically even out, but it’s in a sense a natural “pity” system. If you are that unlucky, early on, as you raid more, you will have a much better chance at getting that leather piece even if you are in a group with other leather wearers because more and more of them wont even be eligible to roll for the item any longer.
The biggest question/potential problem is LFR and people running alts through it to gear up. Blizzard has said its something they will continue to look at. For normal and above though its not going to just constantly be new alts with no gear at all.
It doesn’t even out though because people generally don’t pass and generally there are more leather wearers in raid groups than say plate wearers.
Plate and cloth wearers win under group loot.
Don’t know how your guild does it but the people getting funneled gear are either the people already performing without gear or classes/specs that benefit the most from it.
Why would any competitive guild funnel gear to their worst player??
Funneling gear to the people that will utilize it the best is being competitive.