Question regarding Bans and TOS?

You probably won’t be told this.

Or it’ll be somewhat vague, like, a GM will decide based on internal policies.

There is no hard thresh hold. It is very subjective when it comes to naming violations. It only takes a single player to find the name offensive and a member of the GM staff to agree with that. Within their policies of course.

I understand you said you have zero actions against your account including no social violations in the past. So if what you are saying is true I would personally consider it a slight jump in giving you a suspension before receiving a name change. But it certainly is still within Blizzards rights to dish out any punishment they seem fit.

You have the right to appeal the decision of course. There is a chance that a different GM will review the account action and determine that the suspension was too harsh and revert it to just the Name change and remove the account suspension aspect. Even if it doesn’t get resolved before the suspension is over, the suspension mark against your account should be expunged. You will still have an action against your account but a lesser one.

I would also self report any further naming infractions. They are more likely to offer a understanding ear in those situations.

I wish you luck though. And a wonderful day.


Thats very interesting and great to know thank you! Like i said before im really not TOOOO worried about the time because its only like 24 more hours. (2 days) Im most worried about A) the strike on my account and B) if there was a clear thresh hold, but based off what you have said there is not. Thanks for the info!

It’s not a case of finding a nice GM, or a GM who is happy to breach policy.

interesting. I wish there was a clear line in the sand in regards to this so that people can have a clear understanding. Many GM’s can take rules in different ways and that can cause confusion/discontent. ITs like… There are so many people in Goldshire EVERY night on moon guard and blizz could go there and ban 100-200 people every night breaking the rules in really big ways. Ill take my punishment, but i think the rules need to be more solid rather than leaving human emotion to take a play into it.

Part of the reason it’s not so solid when it comes to naming violations is that the meanings of words and phrases change over time. And also if there were concrete rules, all that would happen is players would learn to try to skirt the rules to be as edgy or shocking as possible.

I personally like to look at it as the spirit of the rule versus the the concrete wording. The guidelines exist to uphold the intent and not the written word.


There isn’t. Remember, there is people from all over the world who play the game, and each country and culture will have differences terms on what is or isn’t appropriate.

They desperately need attention.

ok but by this standard i can just be offended by anything and then its breaking the rules. Im offended that one guy called me a liar. Thats abusive. I would like him banned.

Same thing.

That is not how it works!

Blizzard does have policies on what is considered as inapropiate, or against the In-Game Code of Conduct. If you feel like whoever called you a liar is trolling, you’re are free to flag it, and let moderation decide.


It’s not the same though. It’s not just a single person being offended that makes it a violation. What confirms it as a violation is the GM reviewing the report and agreeing with it. Along with the ToS that we all agree to.

And if for some reason a GM made a error in agreeing with something that is not in violation. Then the appeals process is there to rectify that situation.

And in hindsight. It should be mentioned that any social infractions of the past will escalate your infraction tier.

In your case, I am well aware that you have stated many times over that you have never had a infraction against your account. But far too many times a long forgotten action against a account pops up. Something that happened 4 or 5 years ago sometimes.

I’m not saying it is the case for you, but just mentioning it as a possibility for others.

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It’s also possible that there are other alts flagged for a re-name that OP hasn’t noticed yet.


That’s true as well.

I have a feeling there is more to the story that is not being told. Anyways, I’ll just let the SFA’s deal with it.

More often than not, this ends up being true.


It’s like this: you can report anyone for anything, but it’s up to a GM to see if any rules were broken.

They’re certainly not going to go wildly swinging the ban hammer around just because you report someone and demand they be banned because you got offended. If that were the case, I would’ve been banned long ago, as blunt as I can be.


First, this isn’t a ban, it’s a very short suspension. Bans are permanent with no end date unless reviewed and overturned. This ends tomorrow.

Second, this doesn’t look like the first name that has been reassigned on the license. Been a long time, but this account is also very old. The system is the one that assigns the length of a penalty based on previous history. Typically we do just flag a name for a rename on a first offense, but after that, yes - a suspension may apply.

If you have any other names on the license you think are questionable, you can always submit a ticket and ask they be reviewed. When we get a name report WE don’t go looking for other names as standard procedure - we just react to reports received. Self-reported names rarely have a penalty applied.


the account in question is brydes#1538 not this one, and i agree its a very short suspension but i bought the expansion epic edition for the early access which is why in so sad about this. Prepared and everything.

Future reference stick to fantasy names or use a fantasy name generator or the ingame name generator.

Yes, with your very old named license. I know.