Question regarding Bans and TOS?


Im not writing this so much as to dispute a ban as i have already made a ticket for that but more so to understand WHY such ban happened. I received a suspension (short one at that) because of an offensive name. The name was B.mfist… Im sorry but i have never received a request to change the name, let alone a ban and i have had this character for many years. I dont mind changing the name at all, but i have NEVER been requested to change a name and received a ban. I have seen other posts that say you will be asked to change on first request… Can someone explain the rationale behind this? was my name really that offensive? I genuinly didnt think it broke the TOS which, i understand it does but every name that gets changed does so what was the reason that led to the ban, and not just the name change request? The reason its such a big deal is that i pre ordered the epic edition just for this and now its wasted…

(this was on my main account brydes#1538 if that helps clear it up)

Thanks to anyone who can shed some light on this!

Mostly it boils down to not allowed to use a name of a body but theres a certin act thats very close to the name thats probably what got u into trouble.


yeah but isnt it like… Not that extreme you know? its not racist or really offensive to anyone. What would be a case where they just ask you to change the name of the character and not ban you? i see a lot of posts from people that had pretty bad names that got asked to change but didnt get banned.

Still inapropriate the fact that u got a ban means its not ur first penalty and have a histrory of bad names.


Actually to some, it is. Also, Blizzard is the final arbiter of what is or isn’t appropiate. Blizzard naming policies are reactive.

As for the suspension, usually if you pick up a suspension, it’s because you have a prior history.


i posted the account name so idk who (didnt even know this went to players) can see that i dont have a history -_-

We cant but from previous posters its been proven by blues in the morning theres always more to the story and penalties dont realy go away they stack.


Not a whole lot can be done on the forums. They are not manned 24/7, and this a player to player supported forum.

Just so you are aware, the Blues here (Blizzard employees), might answer, and generally it’s not what you want to hear.

As thge old saying goes: “Be careful on what you ask for…”


What i was hoping to hear was WHY i got banned with this name, where as racist ones etc did not when i have not ever had to change my name or been warned etc.

Names using bodyparts aren’t allowed. You got reported, the didn’t. Otherwise you don’t know what has or has not been done to their account. It’s between them and Blizzard. If you come across racist names, report them.


because someone reported it.


yes i understand that. If you had read the other replies i stated that id like to shine more light on when people are just requested to re name, and then others are banned. There is no history on my account of this. There just plain isnt.

For starters, blizzard will never reveal their inner workings, much like magicians never reveal their secrets.

That said, usually, if you self-report, the GM’s are more lenient, whereas others have had their name forcibly changed and they poorly choose to change it back to what it was that landed them into hot water to begin with, or rather, they didn’t learn the first time around; blizzard isn’t playing around.


interesting. What if i have another char on my account that maybe im worried about? if i mention in the ticket you think they will change it without banning me?

Most likely yes. Or file a separate ticket with any names you aren’t sure of, and their realm.


“of this”
what about other history?

penalties stack

…this sounds like you have a history of poor naming choices.

if you’ve had multiple requests to change various names, at some point they’re just going to decide that you’re not learning.


i dont know how i can be any more clear that i havent had infraction problems on my account. I literally said i have NEVER been requested to change a name or be banned. Didnt you read what i said? lol

i did read.

i’m also very familiar with the way people choose their words carefully, when trying to skirt an issue.

based on these comments, it sounds like you have had a previous account action which you’re attempting to downplay.

the wording here, sounds like you have been asked to change a name before.
…and that it didn’t come with an account action at that time.

“of THIS”.
…which doesn’t mean there is no history at all.




The report is still investigated regardless. If the player reported didn’t breach any rules, nothing comes of it.

What’s your point?


Please stop sending false information within the forums. People have always chosen to do the right thing when it comes to people in violation of the In-Game Code of Conduct or End-User License Agreement.

When you sign up for Battle.NET, you agree to Blizzard’s policies, including with purchases of their games. You break those policies, you are expected to be dealt with appropiately, and if you fail the warnings at first, then you will see further concequences.