Question regarding a recent ban

Wait… is this the guy grinding the axe about all the ‘false’ bans he and his friends keep receiving? If so, I think we may have solved the mystery.


Seriously, just stop.

Spamming or Trolling

This category includes:

  • Excessively communicating the same phrase, similar phrases, or pure gibberish
  • Creating threads for the sole purpose of causing unrest on the forums
  • Causing disturbances in forum threads, such as picking fights, making off topic posts that ruin the thread, insulting other posters
  • Making non-constructive posts
  • Abusing the Reported Post feature by sending false alarms or nonsensical messages
  • Numbering a thread, IBTL, TLDR, or any other fad statements

If a player is found to have participated in such actions, they will:

  • Be given a temporary or permanent ban from the forums, depending upon severity



Seems so.

Hopefully they’ll get time out from posting soon.


Don’t know, don’t particularly care. That is outside of my purview, as it should be. Sometimes the workings of Warden can pick up things slowly in some cases, right away in others. That isn’t information that we as players are not privy to.

My question was more so about you stepping into threads, make all sorts of unvalidated or out right incorrect statements. Your posts get flagged, then cleaned up and the poster’s thread tends to get locked, no matter it being a civilized thread up until you pop in. It isn’t fair to the OPs affected

And to the OP, my apologies for my part in derailing things. Please keep appealing until you’re warned no more will be expected. I would fall on your sword, as it were. Admit you had that software for another game, but forgot it was there. You kind of never know how it will go with appeals. Good luck and all the best to you.


Well, Blizzard is intentionally vague about what it picks up and what it doesn’t, because they don’t want cheaters and money laundering criminal enterprises in on their detection methods. And honestly, I had forgotten about that autoclicker I had, because I hadn’t used it in some time (since Cookie Clicker came to Steam actually). I eventually removed it when I remembered it was still there and I didn’t need it.

But I guess the key point is, I never got any account actions because I never used it when WOW was open. I’ve never violated the ToU or automated WOW gameplay in any way. This was a very simple program that had to be opened in order to work, no background functionality. And since I only used it for Cookie Clicker, I hadn’t opened it in quite some time when I came back to WOW.

I’m not going to recommend that anyone keep software like that on their system if it’s used for this game, of course. That’d be silly, and risky. I’m just saying in my situation, I never used it, and my account has never had any actions of any kind (except for a brief forum suspension when I got a little heated once, but that was awhile ago).

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Not necessarily. They do take logs into account and they can tell when software was used. I have (rarely) seen a permanent ban turned into a suspension. It may not help, but it can’t hurt.

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I think if I remember correctly from what has been mentioned in the past, that appeals doesn’t work in a sense like, you appeal your case and hope Blizzard overturns, but more of a chance incase Blizzard has made an error ont their end.

Someone with more knowledge might have to either comfirm or correct me on this.

Game Masters though do have all the logs, and they do review everything manually. So it isn’t a matter of, “I did have a program, I’ve uninstalled it, I’m sorry,” but more of appealing in regards to make sure it wasn’t an error on Blizzard’s end.

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That’s also what I’ve seen posted frequently in this forum. That’s why I found it curious that a regular poster would suggest that saying, “I forgot I had that program” might help:

I mean I’d love for him to be right and that these sorts of reviews are not quite as binary as has been suggested here. But I’ve seen pretty consistent commentary in this forum to the contrary.


Keep breaking those forum rules champ…


It’s not so much “pleading your case”, as providing them with information that they may be able to coroborate in the game’s logs. Obviously they only take action (or not) based on their logs, but there is a LOT of data.

If the person truly didn’t use whatever the software is in WOW AT ALL, and they say that it was there but unused, yes it’s a long shot. But if it can be confirmed in the logs that the software was not used to cheat in WOW, there’s a chance. It doesn’t happen often, but I have seen one or two permanent bans over the years changed to suspensions.

Another baseless statement.

Keep digging…


But it’s not common at all. I’ve seen it happen maybe 3 times ever (at least that people posted here) in the almost 19 years I’ve been with this game (with breaks here and there).


Out of how many bans though?

I’ve seen it a lot, but I also assume I have seen way, way more bans than a player who has had no exposure to the illicit side of the game.

That’s a strange flex. To say that you have exposure to the “illicit side of the game” probably isn’t a look I’d recommend nor does it lend any credibility to your claims.

Here’s hoping this gets locked up soon.


Vrak’s not going to be able to provide that info. You know that though.


People usually would know what they would have on their own computers. Every software they install, every application, everything. Saying, “oh I forgot I had the program” is like saying “Oh, I forgot to do my studies before examinations.” It is a pointless excuse.

Hoping this too. :crossed_fingers:


Automation of ANY kind is against the rules, and could put your account in peril.

If you can’t do it in-game, don’t use a program to do it, or a program that COULD do it.

I think this one has been derailed enough. Actioning players is the last thing we LIKE to do. Unfortunately, for the health of the game and community - sometimes it is necessary.