Question regarding a recent ban

I received a ban yesterday randomly…w/e long story short…if i make a 2nd account attached to my original btag as i dont have more than the 1 that was banned…will i get banned on that 2nd account as well? Cuz i dont wanna spend money to try playing the new expansion if the account will just be banned by proxy…

Unless the whole account is closed, you could. But if whatever was detected that got your account banned/suspended in the first place was not corrected, it is likely it might affect any other account. Can’t say for sure.


Ya i am only getting automated replies for the tickets i open and wanted to find out more information…the email said “exploitive” or “botting” was the cause but idk how or what caused it…i am doing a spyware sweep now to make sure there isnt something else im unaware of but it feels really out of the blue and to not get an answer as to why so i can avoid it in the future is kinda upsetting

Template not automated there not gona tell u what triggered it.


Banned? Or suspended? There is a difference.

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Check your system for any program that can allow automation. Some of the popular multi-boxing programs that were used in the past are no longer allowed. If you have a program that can allow automation of more than 1 action per keystroke, it would trigger the detection system . It doesn’t necessarily need to be used for WoW. It could be a program that you use for work or another game, but if it’s on your system it can and will be detected.

Even your keyboard and mouse software, although not a violation to have on your system, if you use it to create macros that you can not create using the in game macro system or any function that allows for any type of game automation that could be an issue also. We’ve seen reports of people using the mouse software to program the mouse wheel to easily switch between screens when running multiple accounts. That’s a no no


banned…got an email talking about account closure…but i have other accounts of wow that are inactive but it lets me play them still to level 20 b4 needing gametime…so its not my entire btag that was banned

You have something on your system that does automation, Mechapow.

You don’t have to use it in WoW, you don’t even have to realize it’s active - but it was.

Going through Task Manager for any program that can do that would be my recommendation.


ya i dont have any software like this on my PC and i only had the one account besides a level 20 f2p twink account that i havent touched since the end of shadowlands really until recently to see if i was able to use them still after the ban…

As Orlyia said, open up task manager with WoW running (but don’t sign in) and investigate any programs that are running that you don’t recognize or know what they do.


Could be software you use for work-related activities that automate repetitive tasks.


dont use this PC for work…only thing i had on here that would fall under that category would be like a mouse auto clicker…but i dont even use that…all it does is press a mouse button at specific time intervals…but i havent used it and its not running in the background…and i have literally just removed it cuz i completely forgot i even had that on here…used that for another game entirely that was browser based…but even still i havent opened or used that program in almost a year now

Autoclicker is automation deffinately a no no u want to get rid of that.


ya i uninstalled it after seeing it in my uninstall list

Mind me asking what browser game kinda curious.

it was adult themed…not gonna go more into detail than that…but i rarely played it…but back to my main point…blizzard wont just ban a 2nd account for being associated with an account that was banned correct? they have different licenses for each one dont they?

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If you remove it completly hopefully and cool thot it mite be a game i play but nope lol.

ok i just wanna play the game i have spent loving the last 17 years lol…i dont bot and dont like bots…thats why this has my genuinely confused…but if i can just make a new account on my btag YAY! i dont wanna lose my stuff i spent 17 almost 18 years now collecting lol

If you like browser games look up bushwhacker 2 and champions of the forgoten realms.

I will have to check those out lol i like playing all kinds of games

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