Question regarding a recent ban

If the autoclicker wasn’t active, then it shouldn’t have caused a problem. I had one that I only used for Cookie Clicker, and it coexisted with WOW for some time without issues. I obviously never opened it when WOW was running (and it’s not the kind of thing that runs in the background). I actually only got rid of that (nearly a year ago now) because the Steam version of Cookie Clicker has addons that do the clicking for you in that without needing third party tools.

So they obviously aren’t looking for things that are on your system but inactive. It seems they’re looking for things that are actually running when WOW is, and altering the behavior of your system.

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I do think that warden only has to detect the anomaly in memory. But I’m not 100% sure. I have seen similar threads like this and that was the case.

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That was my understanding also. If it’s on the system, even if it’s not running, Warden may pick it up.

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If autoclicker is running in background when WoW online it will definitely trip warden, every time someone comes here saying they have nothing on their system they use the pc for work with work programs running in the background or it’s gamers with auto clickers and other stuff that warden will trip and you’ll have problems. Easy way don’t have that stuff near your gaming pc. Know what you have on your system and do regular maintenance to make sure it’s running correctly and doesn’t have any nasty virus or automation software.

Errr. You are totally wrong here.

AHK will certainly be detected by Warden.

As for spamming a keybind - if it’s triggered by ONE press to spam, that certainly is automation.

It most certainly is against the ToS. There is no grey area.


You are mistaken. Warden absolutely does scan for AHK, among others. Further, given the baked-in ‘Press and Hold’ casting, using AHK to replicate that functionality is an incredibly ill-considered risk to one’s account.


In this very forum, in the last few weeks, we have seen many posts from players being banned for automation, and it turned out they had AHK installed (used for work purposes, allegedly).

Claiming it’s not against the terms of use is reckless and absolutely false.


When was AHK “allowed”? A lot has changed over the years.


You’re welcome to search the threads yourself if you wish.

Please stop trolling with false claims that can, and have, had accounts banned.


No, I value my account thanks.


No , it’s common knowledge that AHK will get you banned from this game, so it is absolutely trolling for you to advocate it’s use and encourage others to risk their account.


No thanks, and I certainly advise anyone else reading this thread to disregard everything you claim.


They ban in waves for this kind of thing. They’ll get to you guys.


I think you’ve derailed this thread enough with your misinformation.

I’m done responding to you and encourage the regulars to do the same so the Blues have less to clean up when they get here.



You are responsible for how you and your account are represented in the game world. Cheating in any fashion will result in immediate action. Using third-party programs to automate any facet of the game, exploiting bugs, or engaging in any activity that grants an unfair advantage is considered cheating.

Exploiting other players is an equally serious offense. Scamming, account sharing, win-trading, and anything else that may degrade the gaming experience for other players will receive harsh penalties.

I would suggest you do not spread misinformation surrounding what is and isn’t against the In-Game Code of Conduct.

And please, you’re on one of the most heavily moderated part of the World of Warcraft forums, trolling these forums is not something anyone here would want to do as well. Please keep in mind what you’re posting, don’t hi-jack any threads and follow the Forum Code of Conduct.


Yet, here you are - trolling the most heavily moderated forum peddling absolutely false information.

I am.

The question regarding AHK and usaged has come up countless times. The response from Blizzard SFA’s has always been the same.

Don’t use it, don’t even have it installed.

Please stop trolling…


I would recommend that just placing them on ignore, and not engaging any further as well. It does not help replying to them with the trolling that they are doing. As Orlyia would say:


Well you’ve bragged about on here now so hopefully a nice blue will come in and pass the information on to the right departments to flag these people and you’re self I’m sure it won’t take too long.


It was asked how Warden detects stuff, like if it be actively running or just installed. This article is (kinda shockingly) a few years old so not sure how accurate it is but here’s the official Blizzard page on how they look for programs.


Orlyia said it best (and will be quoted this always).

I don’t quite understand the need to pick a thread or two each night/day with you spewing all sorts of incorrect information, that usually all gets purged once the mods or SFAs get to it. At the rate you’re going, you’re lining yourself up for a forum vacation.