Question: Please explain why the named 'NECRO' threads are so bad?

Amazing you have to make this about ‘slurs and insults’ … Never mentioned that or my ‘Mom’… (she is dead for a long time)
I am completely offended and feel shamed by your comment. So are you talking about YOUR culture of slurs and insults? Are you wanting to delete yourself and the offense of your culture? Because I never even mentioned anything about that.

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I can not tell if you are joking or do not understand.

When you said ‘our culture’ with the connection of this being the Internet I took a stance of viewing from the internet point of view.

I know nothing about your mother, but I can speak on ‘your mom’ jokes. As well saying slurs in voice chat is a disgraced but still battled past time of online games.

If you have been playing a ‘long’ time… that is where ‘old’ questions may or usually come from. I have something on my mind for a while I am frustrate or realize has changes or…
that is when I come to inquire on the ‘internet’ but often it is a link to this forum. I search Wowhead too but they don’t have the background detail from my experience.

Yes, I have been playing ‘long time.’

Most questions from back then are no longer relevant. Classes change, expansions change, games change, computers change. Usually if one is on the forums, it takes just a cursory glance to see, “Is this something being talked about already and within the past week or two?” If yes, is normal to continue the thread. If no, it may require a new thread as it might be something entirely different.

Like, if I bring up a post about Warlocks from 2016, people will have no idea what it’s about because it was a conversation about something that no longer exists as it does now.

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I think that you’re making a mountain out of a molehill.


I did create a thread on thread on this late last year, still dunno why we don’t have it, considering it is also a rule not to necro dead threads too.

A better question is if you get the info you need from the thread why reply.


Dude, nobody knows why Blizzard is so damn stubborn with the retail WoW forums.

Other Blizzard games get bnet posting so there’s no sock puppeting or “T squads.” Everyone just gets one vote and one flag.

And yeah other parts of this forum gets threads locked after 30 days but they won’t do that here even though the GD CoC says not to necro stuff.

It’s beyond stupid.



You’re putting too much thought into it. Bottom line: old threads are sometimes incorrect, or are outdated. Necroing old threads is taboo and actively discouraged by blizzard, as well as the community. Try to avoid it. If you have a question, and cannot find a thread in recent time which explains it, then make a new thread. Not too difficult.


Sorry Tovi, had to fix it. NA. EU is better, just more quiet, but NA is a train wreck at times.

Actually it’s all worth keeping. :dracthyr_comfy_sip: Even the garbage is worth keeping. Cuz it ALL tells you so much about a society (especially the things deemed unimportant at the time). It’s why there’s places out there that try to preserve EVERYTHING, even things that we see as completely worthless today, because those are the things we look back to when we try to understand what people were like in the past.


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Home rules.
Some forums insist you use existing threads regardless of age, if you can.
Other forums are the exact opposite. This is one of them.
Personally, on my forums, I dont really give a rats rump…use a necro, make a new one…whatever. Who cares? lol.
Ive never understood the mindset that worries about this one either way.

You guys have bnet posting?

I mean, I don’t.

Then you didn’t fix my post :woman_shrugging:

Ah. I mean, added the NA within the quote. Sorry, guess not a real fix but a fake fix. Sorry, I misunderstood your question in BNet Posting.

Because those threads died for a reason. Why bring up a dead topic?

now that is a very good point.
If its such an abominable, treasonous offense to respond to an old thread, then they are not exactly NOT setting it up to happen by not auto locking threads after the acceptable time frame.

Honestly though, if there was nothing wrong with it, why have a rule about it?

The rule is just about bumping (i.e., just saying “bump” as the post), or for bringing old posts up for no reason (so if you have a reason and say more than “bump”, it’s fine).
