Question: Please explain why the named 'NECRO' threads are so bad?

Please help me understand why when I inadvertently reply to a thread and get chastised for it being a ‘necro’ thread … but it is information that comes up that helps me and I need information. It is the answer that I hope I can find.
Does anyone realize how hard it is to find information sometimes it is? I am just ‘searching’ for answers.


It’s because it’s old. :dracthyr_blob_dance_animated: Personally though I have no problem with thread necros. But some people think it’s better to post a new thread entirely instead of necro’ing (to keep everything on the front page current).

Something like that.



Because dredging a thread up from 6 years ago that may be outdated etc. is going to cause more confusion and fill up the forum thread lists. You can just ask your thoughts and talk to people without bringing something back.


What’s funny for me, I just don’t even think of that, I just reply … I don’t mean to cause probs, just searching for info. So thanks for the reply.

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I just reply too. :dracthyr_comfy_sip: But I don’t mind necro’ing a thread if I want to. :dracthyr_blob_dance_animated: :fox_face:

Even if everyone yells at me for it. :dracthyr_uwu:

(though it’s not something I do often)

  • it’s digging up something that’s changed and therby might give misinformation to viewers
  • something that someone who is long gone has asked
  • other people who have responded years ago being pinged
  • confuses the conversation
  • in cases of blue posts or promotions being pinged might give the wrong impression (a services sale etc)

Honestly though at this stage it happens enough that they should have implemented the 1 month policy here like the EU. Unsure why they don’t do it on the US, freedom ig?


So have you been clobbered for not making a post in the right place, or there was already a post that was made like this? Or… I have gotten those too. Doing my best even if it doesn’t seem like it.
If you do a search and it’s what pops up… it pops up? Sadly, this could be where they delete what’s too ‘old’ in their judgement and there will be no information… then what?


People get fussy on the forums at times, but necroing is seen as taboo in almost any forum site I’ve seen. I mostly try to look around where my question may be currently discussed, if I see nothing I ask, and just asking isn’t something people can (should) not get upset over.

Edit: Blizz is supposed to have a lock feature when a thread has gone cold, but somehow it doesn’t work a lot.


In a world of being able to search for whatever info you need… I also think just as a human you just ‘reply/ask questions’… so many ‘rules’ inlaid that you don’t even think about. I don’t spend too much time here, but, I am thinking I must at least get a ‘college education’ of how to maneuver here. JUST KIDDING! …

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Tbh I’m surprised a person can even reply on a 6 year old thread.

EU forums it shuts off after 30 days of no replies. Idk why that isn’t the case here.


A thread should be locked at the latest a year after the most recent reply, but ideally after a month.

So it’s even more baffling it doesn’t work that way here. Maybe a difference in internet laws?

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Hehe, it is a bit, people develop norms and customs that become unspoken. It’s really interesting how a society shapes depending on how communication is structured.

Like I often have to structure my wording less direct and energetic to many online because something like ‘No!’ comes across to them as I am upset when just enthusiastic.

You will live through and adapt, dear, I believe. <3

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So does that mean a ‘Kindle burning’ to that thread! right? Has anyone ever thought about the digital readers name of ‘Kindle’ or the burning of books… is the ‘necro’ (dead) thread LOCK the burning of thought, information and ideas? It’s just a question I have spelled and submitted my question/ thoughts in a logical way, so you can’t really accuse me of ‘drunkinness’… I am just asking a question .

It happens. I think as long as you don’t intentionally do all the time it’s fine.

The main reason and in my opinion the only practical reason to frown at them particularly one that is years old is only for the efficiency of the information being covered.

Besides all that you’ll save yourself time by not having to first scroll past the “really that was x years ago “ type comments.

You can say what you want about necro subjects but i find it interesting that just because they are old does not make them untrue or viable.

Not all of them are like that but more than not fall under what is stated above,

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Have you ever thought about or felt there could be an intentional ‘deletion’ or intent to rid our culture of information. We have digital readers called ‘Kindle’ or… and old thread on WOW are called ‘necro’ or dead… right!? This is information and history. This is NOT a minor issue. If you don’t have physical books, movies or … you have no real content or history. Yes I will do my best to adapt… but… do you even know what you are saying? Have you thought through the things I brought up. Just a thought.

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There is nothing wrong with it. If there was a problem the threads would auto lock after a certain amount of time.


Thank you.

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No, Internet culture is one of the leaders in the way we socialize, it’s people from around the world evolving their communications that eventually become normal every day real world terms.

As well not -everything- of history and culture needs kept and preserved. A topic about a video game that devolved into ‘your mom’ jokes is not one worth data preservation. Nor is a culture of saying slurs and insulting others one I want to consider a culture. We can preserve what we find important, but we can not let the fear of loss blind us from what good comes from letting go of baggage and looking forward.

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I think the thing about necro threads is simple.

Imagine a thread like a room full of people talking with (or yelling at) eathother about something. Time passes, people leave. A necro is when someone walks into the empty room and starts trying to talk to people who are no longer there.

Sometimes the topic is ageless and has no real limit to how long it remains relevant while others are much more short-lived – primarily the topics about current content, as no one is going to be asking about how to gear up in the Emerald Dream next expansion.

Also it makes little sense to expect a response from someone in a thread who posted several months or years ago.

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