Question on new Cinematic? (Spoiler)

As expected the forums are already complaining while people everywhere else is being positive.

Amazing cinematic by the way, the art and the music are gorgeous, congratulations for the people who worked on it.


Oh great Thrall just gets to pick up where he left off like he didn’t just bail on us, also it’s pretty op that Saurfang can track stealthed rogues as a warrior. The only noteworthy part of the cinematic to me is proving stealth in game works exactly like it does in lore.


yay a troll in the offical topic even thinks it looks staged heres what she said.

Where did we complain and whine in this thread ?

Also Thrall looked alone there, where is his family ? he does mention but it seemed like he was hiding something from Saurfang


Hopefully she finally kills him off so we can stop running to Green Jesus all the time.


In the first replies people were already coming with “staap making slyvanas eevil”

Yep, not gonna lie I might have muttered …sorry Thrall under my breath.

Yep, if it was her sending these assassins (I’m assuming undead, maybe one is a BE? tough to read) then why? He was ZERO threat to her. I have no idea at all why she would bother, lets go set fire to something in EK instead.

Super cool piece but I have questions.

no on said that the just said stupidly evil

They should just Resurrect Onyxia and go full Dragon Queen on the Horde, like Dany did to King’s Landing last week.

Btw the way Saurfang kills off that one assassin, was quite OP :sweat_smile:

It reminds me of what they did to Garrosh. They knew a lot of Horde players disliked him so they went way over the top making him evil in MoP so that they’d have a reason for him to be fought/killed.

Except this one honestly I think is worse.

main question if he did follow the undead there why didnt he warn thrall

Are they in Outland version of Nagrand?

Looks like it.

Perhaps waiting for them to come out and attack first. Thrall refused go back and said no initially, so in order to convince thrall that Sylvanas has to be stopped, he waited for the assassins to strike

Garadar Village


Probably the whole baine thing too. They are both close with thrall at some point someone would have seeked out thrall even if just to tell him she planned on executing Baine.

Because she (rightly) anticipated that the true Warchief would be someone Saurfang might seek to utilize against her.


Their existence was acknowledged, but they weren’t exactly necessary to the scene.


Sylvanas wants Thrall and his family dead, because she knows he would be helping Saurfang and the rebellion.