Question on new Cinematic? (Spoiler)

Yea i just figured it now xD

When you come for the king, you best not miss.

Sylvanas missed.


No… Thrall accuses Saurfang of being followed to which Saurfang responded “I followed them.”. They must be some really bad rogues for a warrior to track them…


easy before they changed the whole thing he was killing own kind. That just shows you what capable of. He an alliance supporter. He helping suarfang and Baine who both traitors to the horde soldiers and horde as a whole. I could list more. But that start something. Not saying like the current chief. I sure as heck do not like ones who support and help alliance all time.

no unlike all of you that take things at face value, i look for logic in chaos. saurfang is a warrior not a hunter or tracker he would have no way of tracking 2 rouges off planet all the way to outland.

Try “Question on new Cinematic (spoilers)”.

You can’t say spoiler after you’ve revealed the spoiler…


he saw them take a portal

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Yep i edited it

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Sorry, it was unintentional :frowning:

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If it makes you feel better I hadn’t watched the cinematic, didn’t even know there was one, and probably wouldn’t have watched it since I never watch cinematics but reading your post made it sound interesting so I did.

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There ya go :slight_smile:


ok why did he follow 2 undead rogues for no reason?

who goes to outland anymore? in terms of lore

They did a really really bad job with sylvanas. I think they wanted the players to dislike her and side with Saurfang but failed to do so. Now they are trying to make her so over the top Saturday morning cartoon villain bad that any fan of hers really has no leg to stand on.


Those rouges were tracking Thrall probably, maybe waiting for right time to strike them

Well 2 undead rogues going to outland (unless they are level 58-60) is suspicious. My question is HOW did he follow 2 rogues?


well he is a seasoned old war veteran. and those people know things.

it’s up to the writers though


Yep, this.


Faction war? It’s a horde civil war. The alliance has nothing to do with it at this point.