Question flying next week

How do you gather without dismounting? You mean have that ugly mount that I don’t have?

nah lets make it 1k fish from each zone

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No, there’s a specialization track in both mining and herbing that allows you to gather without dismounting.

In Dragon Isles, the first 30 knowledge you get in a gathering profession should go towards the perk that lets you gather while mounted.

Anyone who actually uses a gathering profession this late in the expansion probably would have it just from the free knowledge that gets thrown around as a catchup.

So then they only have the option to use slow flying. Until additional necessary accessibility options get added, they don’t have the option to DR, which is a problem.

That depends on if they even want to use dragonriging I know it’s hard to comprehend but some people don’t want to use dragonriging.

I’m all for adding accessibility options for people who want to use dragonding but it should never be required.

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If I’m not allowed to assume they want to use DR, then you’re not allowed to assume that they don’t. But the point is, until those options get added, some people might not even have the option to use it if they wanted to, which (by your logic regarding old flying), is a problem.

If your complaint about not having the option to old fly by choice is valid, the people who need accessibility options to dragonfly and want to have an equally valid claim.

Everyone is free to choose to not do something they don’t want to, but if you can do something, and choose not to, any complaints about their choice to not do the thing are invalid. If you don’t like the consequences of your choice to not do something, you have noone to blame but yourself.

As the Joker said in Suicide Squad, Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah!

Oh is there? Where is it? I must have missed it.

Edit: Oh I found it!

I’m not assuming anything numerous people have said they don’t want to use dragonriding both people who have issues with it and those like me who simply don’t like it.

This whole discussion is pointless since both sides are getting what they want a choice between the two.

Yep…that’s it as listed on this forum.

Have you asked any of the people who have issues with it would use it if those issues were resolved?

And “It’s new, so I’m scared of it” or “I refused to learn how to use it” are not valid issues.

Bunch of Hermione Grangers in this thread.

“The exams are cancelled!” Granger: “Noooooo”

“Slow flight is easier to get now!” Posters: “Nooooo”

Not a valid point. I for example can dragonride just fine I have all the glyphs and gold on a lot of the races. I simply much much prefer normal flying.


Maybe they don’t apply to you in specific, but they are the root of a lot of forum complaints.

You’re just looking for issues to talk down on people to feel better about yourself. Dragon gliding is just as mindless as normal fight having a renoun requirement to get what you think is the less superior version of flight is stupid at best.


Yes, which is why I’m skeptical of how many people who are able to normal fly just fine, but claim to be completely unable to dragonride.

Then you lack understanding of the issues people are having.

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It can be any number of things, the repetitive motive, motion sickness or like with me dragon gliding is just boring it wasn’t fun in GW2 and it’s not fun on WoW.


Im just glad they removed the rep