Question flying next week

To put up a thread in multiple places to find out from the people who this actually applies to (not the people who are simply scared of it because it’s new). I’ve not seen blizzard actually doing that much to ask for what new options they need to enable them to use the feature. I’ve only seen people complaining about being “unable to use it” without providing specifics of why, or what could fix it.

The goal should be to enable everyone to actually use the new system. “I hate it because it’s new” and “I refuse to learn how to use it” are not valid reasons why you can’t use the system. Those are you making the choice to not use it, and you should have to accept the consequence of that choice you made.

Wrong… the goal should be exactly what they did allow people to choose.

Everyone understands that except the “If you don’t play my way you’re doing it wrong” crowd.


I think they did the right thing… hopefully they’ll ditch pathfinder… or well… you know you’ll be doing it for dragonriding next.


If you are correct, and some people actually can’t use the new system, then (according to you), they don’t have a choice.

By that logic, the goal I’ve stated is a pre-requisite of the goal you’re suggesting.

Not everyone can use Dragon riding. I am one who cannot even with the systems Blizzard put in place.


I got no problem with that.

to unlock dragon riding must have
100 reps at max
have every quest in every zone complete
have 100% xploration complete
Must have 1 of every class at max lvl
Must have 12 month subscription

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They should if they lose enough money. I’m not saying they did or didn’t. But they’re still a business.

Done and done

not according to your achievement tracking 9% for quests and 9% for rep your not 100% on those missing a lot

missing Loremaster of Kalimdor for example

So far as I know there’s nothing for Pathfinder that can’t be completed without dragonriding.

Done and done as in I would do it for dynamic flight going forward.

100 reps Not done
Every quest in every zone Done
100% Exploration Done
Every Class at max level Working on it.
12 month sub. Ain’t gonna happen for me.

your exploration shows 43%

Feels pretty bad, immediately caving in to the whiniest populace.

Can’t take anybody seriously who supports Pathfinder… it should’ve never existed in the first place. :rofl:


Physical exploration is 100% The others should not be required. But I am not getting a 12 month sub ever again.

You forgot have fished 1000 fish at each fishing hole .

(x) doubt

I really thoroughly enjoy dragon riding, its super fun and super fast and I’m looking forward to how it develops in the future.

I’m also glad to soon have normal flying back to enjoy my other mounts, and being able to fly around without getting nauseous from the motion blur.

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