Question flying next week

So with rep being removed, that mean if we have everything we can get, all we will need to do is explore and we will unlock flying?

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That’s what it sounds like. Everyone should unlock their slow boring hover-flight within 5min of zoning in, if they already have the other requirements met.


TBH normal flying will serve a purpose with farming mats and when you need to frequently need to mount and dismount to get places. Otherwise I plan to still use my dragon riding mount, at least the forums aren’t being spammed anymore about the renown requirement.

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Explore, do the stories, that’s it

I think blizzard needed to show a bit more backbone here (and on a few other things), and not just cave in whenever enough people complain about having to work for a particular reward.


Yeah it’s really frustrating when they cave and give into the crying for some things but other things get ignored for eternity.


And when they cave it’s on stuff like “eliminating a grind that can be accomplished in 1-2 days”, or “mythic raid mount had a bugged PTR dungeon journal entry, so time to let it drop in LFR”, and not stuff like “raid loot is too unrewarding compared to how free M+ gear is”

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Yeah, heaven forbid people have to actually play the game. I don’t specifically target renown in any way but I still managed to get all the current renown levels over 15.

It is impossible to get to 15 Renown in 1-2 days. :person_facepalming:


Then you haven’t been paying attention.

Depending on when you do it, if you use the right strat you can almost be renown 18 with the new faction week 1 without too much grinding.

you will see more people using that flying vs the dragon flying


Proof needed. :rofl:

I mean I have 15+ on all current Renown but saying it can be done in 1-2 days is ridiculous.


So, all the posts about how much better DR is were lies?

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here you go.

Darkmoon Faire is also going to be up for the 1st half of week 1, so renown 16.5 baseline.

Great that’s for the new Renown in 10.2. Try doing Loamm Niffen in 2 days. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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Do the story quest line

Are you trying to suggest that doing the same trick with the dreamsurge buff and alt catchup mechanic wouldn’t work? Also, let’s not pretend that you haven’t had 6 months to reach 15 with the niffen already.

we didn’t do that for niffen at launch for a few reasons:

  1. dreamsurges didn’t exist yet
  2. there was no reason to rush high renown levels, the incentive was to hold tokens to skip doing the worthy ally quest each week.

Not relevant since we only recently found out about the initial Pathfinder requirements. Many people hated that zone and didn’t bother doing much in it. The only zone I hate more in the entire game is Vashj’ir. :person_gesturing_no:

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“recently” in this case means 2 months ago. You had time, and (due to how sparks worked), would have been there already if you cared about your performance and played this patch at all.


I play to have fun… I couldn’t care less about “performance” that’s why I play solo. :rofl:

It’s also why I’m not obsessed with the speed of dragonriding and am looking forward to normal flying.