Quest: The Hunter and the Prince is bugged!

I have tried many things to get this quest to work, checked YouTube, forums, reddit. There seems to be a bug that causes this quest to fail by not having the stone show up.


Yup, just got to this quest and the stone is not appearing to start the next part, tried layer hops re-logging, etc


I also tried YouTube, forums and stuff. The blood stained stone doesn’t spawn.

Plus one. Attempted today on Classic / Oceanic / Remulos & was invisible, even with all addons disabled, graphics settings on default and so on

Yeah me too, first character was fine. Alt char was bugged and won’t show the stone.

Blizz will maybe fix it by phase 4, don’t hold your breath.

Same issue here, tried everything I can think of. Very frustrating.

Same issue

Same issue here, its frustraiting since its a very cool chain of quests

Same problem. Take the quest from Mathias Lehrner, bloodstained stone doesn’t show up. Logging out and in doesn’t work, have tried it with and without other Icecrown quests in log, dropping quest and re-accepting doesn’t work, hearthing and flying back doesn’t work. Phasing in general seems to be real s*** in Wrath Classic, have had phasing issues elsewhere in the game but was able to work around those.

Same here on Pagle. Can’t find the stone.


Just ran into this same issue on Skyfury

same on bene. please fix your 20 year old game thanks

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Reported the problem and got the boilerplate response to log out and back in, drop quest and re-accept, turn off addons, you know, all the stuff everyone knows to try when the game won’t work like it’s supposed to and that I have already tried multiple times in all possible combinations. This is absolutely inexcusable CS and the kind of thing I skipped TBC Classic over, and now it’s got me thinking I might end up dropping sub again. It seemed for a moment like Blizzard was kinda-sorta trying to do better, but the abysmal CS says otherwise.



Same issue, stone doesn’t spawn.

  • Tried dropping the quest a half dozen times.
  • Tried relogging
  • Tried moving to a different zone and returning
  • Tried adjust graphic settings
  • Tried disabling all addons

I too cannoot get this to work. Tried all of the above and the stone will not spawn for me.

First toon to attempt, and no-go. Stones won’t show up. Blizzard had a “fix” posted, but the fix is to “toggle war mode”…

To add to this, I cannot complete loremaster because of this. Thanks Blizz…

Same issue on Atiesh. Need this for Loremaster.

Come on Blizz, you can do it!

+1 here! Tried everything suggest but no luck.

I was able to do it just a day or two ago on my main.
But currently unable to on my alt. No rocks.