Anyone else who can't find the bloody stone for [[80] The Hunter and the Prince (13400)]?

It’s a quest in Icecrown that starts a battle between Arthas and Illidan. I was able to do the quest on this horde character, the stone was just nearby, but on my Alliance character I can’t find the stone anywhere. I’ve been searching for like 20 minutes. I swear it’s phased or something.

Anyone have any tips?

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This is a bug as old as time. Hope they fix it soon.

We have received multiple reports of this issue and can confirm it is not working as intended. While our developers are working to resolve the underlying issue, you may want to contact Customer Support. Provided we can verify that you were impacted by this, we may be able to assist.

You may submit a ticket for assistance here.

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Phasing was the newest tool that 2008 Blizzard was obsessed with, it was bugged to hell and back. So many quests were so bugged that they were removed or had skips added to them when Cataclysm hit. It works a lot better in retail with modern phasing.

I think a lot of people were new in WoTLK and don’t remember how often the game broke during the classic period of Vanilla-WotLK and remember those bugs with fondness or thought “oh how weird I guess that’s just how it works”.

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