Query: Why not include BGs with release?

One of the rare times I am in agreement with you. However you SHOULD have countered that raid gear makes PVP trivial. This is very much like the D2 discussions. People have different preferences of gear acquisition paths, and woe be to those who travel the paths they themselves do not like to get gear.

D2, PVP and raiding are 3 different paths to decent gear. None of the 3 are “easy” or shower players with free epics falling from the sky. That gear is earned, period.

They have literally said they will not be, so…

Sorry little boy…no bites. 0/10.

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Yeah thanks I watched the Classic panel video and at the very end they lay out the release schedule which confirms BG’s will be in a later wave. It’s the first I heard of it and there’s a tendency around here for people to state their wants/opinions as fact so I was skeptical.


When in doubt refer to the FAQ, I update regularly when info is available.

it doesn’t take 4-6 months to add a couple raids and bgs, or they would have needed to start working on classic back in 2012 to hope to release it by next year. the only thing being gated is endgame, most of development time surely went into the other 95% of the game.

so we get classic 1 month earlier at best, and then we wait 4-6 months for each raid tier just because, to help the casuals catch up so everybody can beat the new content at the same time

Wrong again. PvP gear in the highers ranks is far better than most dungeon gear, making dungeons trivial.

I suppose it depends on what Blizzard’s reasoning for not having them at launch is. If it’s to prevent powerful items from being available, such as Unstoppable Force, high rank gear and so on, I think that’s a fine reason. But then it seems a little inconsistent to be fine with 1.10+ item stats for dungeon blues.

But it might just be a method to let players have a chance to experience the game how it was without BGs, as it was in early WoW. I’m cool with that, too. If I was going into Classic with the intent to mainly focus on PvP, I would probably prefer them to be there earlier. But then I would likely just try to farm dungeons for gear most useful for PvP, so my character had an advantage when they do release.

Raid gear makes dungeons trivial as well. It also trivializes PVP.
Dungeon gear makes Raids easier, and also makes PvP easier.
All content should probably be run naked, seeing as acquiring better gear (despite the work/difficulty in the acquisition) makes other things easier, and we cannot have that.

The only reason BGs IMHO should be held off for a time, is to foster world PVP.

PvP gear at the start allows you to skip content.
Raids trivialize other gear, but only after you’ve gone through multiple levels of content and probably already achieved the trivialized gear. Progression is different than skipping entire tiers and categories of content.

Every post you make is sarcastic and passive aggressive and rarely (if ever) contributes to a discussion. Thanks for making yourself look stupid (again).

PVP is content, rather you personally like doing it or not. In fact getting raid gear and steamrolling BGs with it is more of an issue than PVP gear being used to “trivialize” raiding. No one path to gear is more legitimate than the others. The entire game is doing things to make other things less difficult.

Thanks for using insults as a crutch since you have no legitimate argument.

Selective reading and making points that have nothing to do with arguments. Nice.

Saying you’re sarcastic and passive aggressive isn’t an insult/crutch, btw. Reread what people are saying then come back and try again.

Nice edits btw.

I personally don’t see a valid reason for time-gating Battlegrounds at all, really. If the idea is to wait a few months to add them in just for the sake of waiting, how does that really benefit anyone long-term? Is it for the sole purpose of being able to come to the forums a few years from now to be able to say, “hey… remember those first few months without Battlegrounds? Those were the days!”

A couple people have pointed out that there would be more WPVP with no BGs available.

That would be true for the first few months only, followed by years of nostalgia. Whoopee. You’ll need more than that to excite me about the prospect of having to wait for Battlegrounds.

This argument, like so many before, is all about opinion and personal preference. There is no logical reason to postpone Battlegrounds from being included… just feelings.

I have no interest in exciting you. I am merely pointing out one of the reasons. Some of us would actually welcome a few months of WPVP only, despite it not being permanent. I dare say it would “excite” us.

While others like me would prefer to have Battlegrounds from the start, since a three month window is pointless and will only garner disappointment for those that preferred those three months, knowing they’ll never have it again.

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Hey, I posted a compromise earlier in the thread so you could have BGs at release. What did you think of it?

As written, I wouldn’t have an issue with it at all, with one possible exception.

a) If only able to queue at the BG entrances at the start, would Battle Masters be added after the original planned release? I personally would hope so, since I prefer queuing for all of the BGs and don’t particularly care which one pops first.

I never did the Battlegrounds for honor rewards. I did them for he fun of doing them. Reward was a secondary thought.