Queen Calia Menethil... This made me laugh (Spoilers)

Because you made a bigger deal out of it than it actually is


Eh. At the end of the day, it’s fiction. And a lot of these situations are complicated when it comes to culpability and autonomy.

And Garrosh is older than Thrall. He should absolutely bear some blame for leaning into the glory of the orcs instead of listening to some of the other stories about war and the less-than-glamorous decisions his father made, like going right back to hitting The Sauce as soon as he suffered a defeat and couldn’t win conventionally.

Anyway, the titanforged kicked the bugs around the first time. And the trolls got the second embuganation.

Also, yeah, the night elves should get credit for kicking the Legion out – especially the ones that weren’t involved in SUDDENLY LEGION. And since a lot of the trolls weren’t even born yet when the accidental bug empire happened. Their ancestors made a mistake. They fixed it.

As usual, you’re both right.


The queen title was only a typo from an author who wasn’t very familiar with Calia, all good


Daily reminder that Calia is not Horde.


That makes more sense. I was getting New Republic of Dave vibes from the title lol

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If it was Frostmourne and it went through her chest shattering her soul into pieces causing her to actually be dead and trapped in the Maw, then yes.

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I hear tell that they removed this “Queen Calia” business, and they admitted it was an error.

So that’s good, I suppose.


Good. I doubt anyone would accept her as sole ruler.


That’s definitely good, however the whole thing also suggests that the long-awaited Reclaiming Gilneas questline wasn’t even reviewed by the lore historians before going live, which is is a bit… troubling lmao


For me, I am glad to see that it was a mistake. Admitted and corrected. Fine. The bit of relief that it truly was a thing that never was supposed to be overwhelms those sorts of concerns.

I suppose it says something about the level of attention they put to this before they released it. People who played through it already can’t have that image burned out of their minds - the damage is done.

I guess the most important and talked about lore bit out of that event was they suddenly called Calia a Queen, so the rest of it seems even less spectacular.


For me it raises more questions than answers. Did they really just put this one senior dev on the whole questline? Certainly there wasn’t a historian proof reading the quest texts so what does a historian at Blizzard even do at this point? Could we not have gotten another dev to work with this one to make an actual compelling story that enjoys Worgen and knows about their narrative? Was Calia dictated from up high to be present here and they just had to make it work?

At least we know the Calia thing was, hopefully, a genuine mistake.


She’s on the council for the undead. Daily reminder you aren’t as lore intelligent as you think b

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To be fair the WoW devs would mostly be working on TWW, it’s patch content, and Midnight since they already confirmed both expansions are in development at the same time. So I’d imagine that’s where most of the resources are going right now. As much as people might have preferred it otherwise stuff like Gilneas just wasn’t high enough of a priority.


I mean, it should have been. They had been teasing it for a long time and reclaiming Gilneas was the Worgen’s main (if not only…) racial lore plot beat. By all means, it was supposed to be a major story event. It not being treated like a major story event is a failure on their part.


Sounds like they need to hire back those 1900 people they just laid off and throw some more devs on the WoW team.


Yes, because a bunch of customer service and accountants with redundant positions are going to fix the story


From what we’ve heard the majority of the laid off Devs either came from the “unannounced survival game” being shuttered or from the OW2 team. The WoW team seems largely unaffected, at least in terms of staff numbers, and if they are building two expansions simultaneously? They have more than enough people, it’s just a question of what content gets prioritized.


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Devs are devs when it comes to technical development. Projects get shuttered all the time, the good thing to do is find them other projects or move them to another team rather than lay off folks wholesale.

Some real worker solidarity you got there. Maybe, just maybe, we should give workers right of first refusal to move to another team if departments are getting axed and given more than a 2 hour heads up, especially from a multi billion dollar company.


It’s happening legit everywhere in the tech industry right now. What this doesn’t need is people it doesn’t effect getting offended on their behalf.

So you’d be a scab given the chance, got it.