Queen Calia Menethil... This made me laugh (Spoilers)

The Trolls and Tauren predate the Titanforged races. The Vrykul were only native to Northrend, they migrated to Kul Tiras and spread out from there.

Trolls do, and the precursor race to tauren, the yaungol, might. But tauren definitely don’t because they, like the night elves, were changed from yaungol into tauren by the Well of Eternity.

Regarding lands “liberated” by the titanforged races, we have no evidence they made any residences outside of Northrend and some underground facilities elsewhere.

All lands are troll lands. Except, fine, maybe parts of Northrend.


All lands are elemental lands. And I don’t see anyone wanting to free them anytime soon.

Also, as per Khadgar’s book all NATIVE life came from 4 sources, the wild elementals(and that only happened because the titans sealed the 4 elemental lords), the seeping void of the old gods, Eonar and the Emerald Dream, the curse of flesh.

All events directly attributed to the titans. So like it or not the trolls were also indirectly children of the titans because without the titans the trolls could not exist as they way they are.

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And as per the titan’s book, trolls still predate the arrival of the Titans. The titans might have meddled with trolls in some way, but trolls were still here.

So. Even according to the titans themselves, all lands are troll lands.


What? No. Check again. Chronicles talks about the events of the titanforged defeating the Elemental lords happening BEFORE any mention of the trolls. They don’t even talk about the trolls until after Azeroth was ordered.

That’s the Titan side of the story yes, the heart of which being the idea that “mortal races would’ve never emerged without their divine intervention”, both on Azeroth and on Draenor. Both baseless claims (who’s to say the state of Elemental chaos and Old God domination would have lasted forever ? Who’s to say Draenor wouldn’t have naturally reached a point of balance between the Evergrowth and the other lifeforms at some point ?).

Titans see disorderly stuff, they order it, end of the story.

(Also the idea that there wouldn’t be native races on Azeroth had the Titans not ordered the planet was basically debunked by the DF Time Rifts, in which we interact with such a timeline, and in that world there ARE native, sentient races and mortal civilizations)


Even under the assumption it was not going to last forever, the trolls as they are now would not exist. There might not even be trolls. So again, grats, trolls are children of the titans.

And if the Old Gods continued to rule, we would have a dark titan now that would destroyed the universe.

Which timeline are you referring to? Because most of the them were either destroyed by the Legion, controlled by the old gods, or just murlocs.

Azq’roth : https://warcraft.wiki.gg/wiki/Chipped_Stone_Tablet

Additionally, it would seem that even in a completely Void-dominated world, some of their followers are progressively drawn to questioning the Old Gods’ teachings in regards to the lack of free will and complex thought of their “sacrifice material”, which is interesting.


Regardless of who the lands belong to, without the trolls breaking the back of the Aqir empire permanently which allowed the other races to flourish in relative peace, who knows what Azeroth would have looked like going forward

So, we should be thankful of that in my opinion


Figured it was an error.

Not even their most confusing one. In Legion I think Khadgar or Liadrian (maybe both) express awe when they arrive in Argus saying they never expected to set foot on another world.

When both of them had been not just to Outland but it’s alternative universes variant.


Either a genuine error (probably more like a Freudian slip from a writing team that may not be completely willing to let go of Calia’s royalness :sob:) or a marketing bait to find out whether people are still as repelled by the perspective of a Queen Calia as they were back in BFA/SL



According to the ancient texts of the First Horde from scholars of the Blackrock clan, these words were said by a knight. A note within the said that there were doubts, but our then Forest Troll allies were quick to reassure the Horde that was the knight’s intend. As the natives of the the world, we deferred to their judgement.

In retrospect mistakes were made. That or the knight was a freak, you can never tell with some people.


That is not the smoking gun you seem to think it is. Considering we don’t know much about that timeline, it could simply be a timeline where the Old Gods were beaten by the titans, only to later be escape much earlier and remake their world.(and thus turning any life afterwards into slaves/sacrifice)

And even if life managed to independently developed, it would mean it would just be snuffed out or enslaved by the old gods. The trolls, as we know them, would never exist.

This is just…wrong. The Titanforged had ALREADY destroyed the black empire by the timethe trolls had risen up. What you are talking about is the defeat of Kith’ix, a C’Thraxxi general that the trolls(or to be precise rebel trolls) had unleashed.

Which leads me back to Kohnila’s point. That maybe Azq’roth is a timeline where the trolls didn’t beat Kith’ix and it lead to the old gods rebuilding their empire alot sooner in the timeline.

The trolls literally broke the Aqir empire and that’s the reason the aqir split into the three distinct species we know of today.

Bu continue being wrong. Again.


After several long and difficult battles, the titan-forged succeeded in imprisoning N’Zoth, C’Thun and Yogg-Saron where they lay, even after Yogg-Saron unleashed its mighty C’Thraxxi generals. The Black Empire was no more, and for the first time in Azeroth’s history, a tentative peace settled over the world.[1]

The titan-forged Archaedas used his earth magic to collapse the burrows, forcing the insectoids to escape above ground, where they found themselves surrounded by the titan-forged. Most of the aqir were destroyed by the titan-forged, though several small pockets survived by tunneling deep underground, too weakened to launch a counterattack.[2]

Thousands of years later, long after the Black Empire’s fall, a race known as the trolls rose to prominence in Kalimdor and established great civilizations that covered most of the continent. One day, roughly 16,000 years before the First War, a rebellious group of trolls accidentally awakened Kith’ix, an ancient servant of the Old God Yogg-Saron who had survived an encounter with the titan-forged Tyr centuries earlier. Kith’ix, knowing that destroying the trolls would please its Old God masters, reached out with its mind and discovered the aqir, rallying them into building the subterranean empire of Azj’Aqir. When the time was right, Kith’ix led the aqir to the surface, launching a terrible war against the trolls.[3]

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After centuries of fighting, the trolls destroyed the aqir empire and contained the insectoids in different ends of the continent, where they evolved into several new races: the nerubians of Azjol-Nerub in the north, the qiraji of Ahn’Qiraj in the southwest, and the mantid of Manti’vess in the south. The troll factions subsequently grew more insular and developed into different empires in their own right.[3]

Continue being wrong zerde


The trolls were the reason the Aqir even rebuilt itself!

They’re also the reason the empire fell. So it’s a lore fact you’re just going to have to come to terms with.


So we should be thankful for the problem they caused? The Aqir were long since defeated by the titanforged. They only came back into the picture because of the trolls meddling with an old god general.

So, we can blame the war of the shifting sands/the mantids and soon our Nerubian problems on the trolls.

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