The sadness is valid, especially considering Gilneas’ reclamation is something that we’ve been waiting well over a decade for. They then teased it possibly happening over a year ago, absolutely teased and hyped it up for months, and what they gave us was a quest where they completely sidelined the Worgen fantasy in favor of “Humans + Undead working together… with a Worgen or two here and there.”
Don’t let it discourage you too much, though. Be as obnoxiously outwardly Worgen as you can. Don’t let Blizz win with this pathetic attempt to sate us. Until they give us something proper, keep letting them know that we’re very much NOT satisfied with how we’ve been treated.
You need a controlling share in the company to give it orders.
Or get the Government involved and I assure you the Government has no reason to get involved in the Story of WoW as it hasn’t broken any laws and there are no Dictators running the Government(of the US, UK, Australia and Canada at least) who can force Lore changes to make themselves happy(whether because they hate the Lore Changes or because they want to silence the public’s constant complaints)…
And don’t expect a Dictator from a foreign Country to help as they have no reason to help and if they did the chances of Blizzard’s writers accepting an invitation to the Palace of any Dictator are low for obvious reasons.
I think we both know I’m concretely referring to her BFA-onward trajectory at the hands of Golden and thanks to a certain content creator reminding her of Calia’s existence so this question is a bit silly
While you’re not wrong, when enough customers turn away from a brand, that brand is forced to make changes, downsize or go out of business. For an example of the first two, look what happened to Gilette.
You know, if it got stuck in her forehead, that’d be kind of punk rock and bring her at least a little closer to resembling a Forsaken Undead instead of an unpainted RealDoll.
Downsizing makes it easier to buy a controlling interest I have noticed as Shares become cheaper so do you plan to buy the Shares when you stop paying for Blizzard Accounts just so that you can control the Lore?
Or I could pull an Elon Musk; buy the company and get rid all but those who actually do something productive (in most companies the majority of work is done by a small fraction of staff).
It’s still running as efficiently as before with less staff. It’s just less popular with advertisers because Musk refuses to play along with the current zeitgeist.
Less staff=less moderation=less advertisers wanting their product associate with a platform that is more like to generate controversy for their brands rather then any return on investments.
Regardless if you are right it still doesn’t mean that his purchase of twitter has been a disaster and he and anyone who helped him purchase twitter will likely never see a return on their investment.
During vanilla it was a 1v1v1v1v1 with the Horde (Forsaken) vs Alliance vs Argent Dawn vs Scarlet Crusade vs Scourge.
Cata has the same thing but the horde only gain control of about half of Western plaguelands. Hearthglen and its nearby areas are held by the Argent Crusade & Cenarian Circle coalition. Then you have the Scarlet Crusade becoming the Scarlet Risen and the scourge splitting into warring factions.
The fact that I originally asked WHEN and you did not answer that question makes me think you are your usual trolling self. Or was your response to the Calia question I was directing at Baal?