Queen Calia Menethil... This made me laugh (Spoilers)


I get it. These pixels aren’t just flickering lights to us they have meaning and value… especially those strings of code we have history with.

I have similar thoughts regarding the star wars setting. I basically had to walk away from it because of how the authors were treating it in my eyes.

And now the Forsaken… my metalhead kin… :metal: :sob:


Karebear, if we can get mad about a video game race, then it’s only natural to also be sad about it.

I mean, the entire reason we post on the Story Forums is because we care. Sometimes that caring makes us sad. It’s okay to be sad.


Hugs Thanks to you and Nightsong. Just bummed is all. At least now I can focus on RP and making my own stories. Which is always fun and keeps me engaged :wolf:


It’s a lot of fun. So much so I keep having to stop myself from writing fanfiction instead of working on something that might make me money…

Don’t worry, blizzard can take the Worgen, but they can’t take your Worgen.

Perhaps one day I’ll post the story of a Horde with honor and a Warchief who knows the meaning of sacrifice.


I literally told this to everyone back then. They called me a radical and laughed at me. It feels good to be proven right.


I’ll likely be back to playing a worgen again once I calm down. Maybe in a month or two, when it’s far from my mind :wolf:


Finding humor amidst the delirium is my specuality.

This is 100% a mistake. I’d say some quest maker got it mixed up with Tess being queen now and all. There’s too many instances of recent lore with the Forsaken saying they shouldn’t have a single ruler. Sylvanas and Lillian being the main ones that come to mind.

Edit: I’d also like to point out that if you’re thinking: “oh no, they wouldn’t mistake that.” They literally used “it’s” instead of its possessive form in the Vyranoth cutscene with Iridikron.


In all honestly, I think it’s a mistake too.

I remember there being a lot of hubbub when the Darkshore questline came out too because Maiev referred to Tyrande as ‘our Queen’ in the quest text. (It was quickly fixed once it was noticed.) but even to this day there’s tons of quest text rife with grammatical errors, wonky accent changes, etc. So I wouldn’t put a ton of stock into quest text.

If it’s not a mistake then… welp. An awful dumb way for Forsaken to find out they have a newly appointed regent, LOL.


I agree it’s an oversight/mistake, though it’s one hell of one to make given:
a) all the issues players have voiced with her over the years
b) her “it’s just Calia now” voice line in Legion, discarding her Menethil heritage
c) the whole questline devoted to the Forsaken being led by a council now


Hey, it could be worse!

You could be a Scarlet fan -

“Ah! Ah…oh.”

drops Silk Cloth


I did not catch that when I did the quest last night. And now that I l’ve seen it, I must say that I’m not a fan of it.

It’s rather bizarre that they would try and seemingly make Calia the Forsaken Queen off screen because it naturally calls into question the Desolate Council and where they all stand in this. After all Belmont only “accepted” Calia being on the council since her presence amongst them could be a powerful shield against the worst of the Alliance.

Are we supposed to believe that he is okay with Calia being his Queen? Are the Desolate Council just her advisors? Or does the Desolate Council retain authority over the Forsaken and Calia is just using the title of Queen as some way to honor her father? Do her fellow council members sideeye her for it? Will Belmont be petty enough to call himself King?

Or was it done in error and will be corrected in a hotfix?

So many questions…


Sucks all around. We all know that. I had hopes it wasn’t going to be THAT BAD. Like I knew the quest line was going to be horrible, just not to this extent you know?

I’ve read fanfiction from young adults who could have done better in a hour.


I suspect that IF she’s been made their queen the Desolate Council acts like the House of Nobles with greater autonomy and greater deference as Calia Menethil even mentions she wants to be their defender and help the Forsaken of Lordaeron. I doubt if she’s been made queen that she will be a absolute monarch ruler like Sylvanas was who purged the original Desolate Council just for daring to show some autonomy.

If anything, crowning her queen, grants legitimacy to the Forsaken even more than they had previously and they can simply have her like a Queen Elizabeth version of the British monarchy while still with power, mostly for show, and while a voice amongst the Forsaken not a singular one which outshines the rest.

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any jokes aside this is a genuinely good thing for undead lordaeron as a whole. no matter how much authority she actually has her just being there alone forces the entire world to recognize the forsaken as the legitimate government of Lordaeron


Until her daughter inevitably shows up in the scene.

There is also the fact Calia originally wanted to reunite both the living and undead people of Lordaeron. Who knows, she might try Gathering 2.0 and no Sylvanas to muck it up this time.


That was Belmont’s intention, yes.

But I’m going to be honest here, there are three “legitimate governments” of Lordaeron at this time.

  • The Forsaken… we’ll say the Forsaken Kingdom run by… Q… Que… Nope, can’t do it. Run by Calia. They control the former capital and the western portion of the kingdom.
  • The Argent Crusade holds the eastern portion of the kingdom, and by this point in the timeline, they’ve probably cleared up almost all of it save for the immediate area around Stratholme.
  • The Lordaeronian Remnants who are rebuilding Southshore and are likely to reclaim the southernmost portion of the former kingdom’s lands adjacent to the Arathi kingdom.

Lordaeron was huge, by virtue of Dalaran having little want for acreage, and Gilneas technically owns the southern half of Silverpine, but Genn abandoned that portion of his kingdom to hold off the Scourge.

In the event that borders are redrawn by all these diplomatic queens and rulers during peacetime, it’s likely we’ll have three kingdoms all referring to themselves as the inheritors of Lordaeron’s “soul.” The Argents represent the old faith of Lordaeron, the Remnants will carry on as the simple folk who escaped the scourging, and the Forsaken are the dark legacy of the kingdom, since the Cult of the Damned originated there and grew prominently in the shadows.

Or maybe Blizzard is installing all these new monarchs just so they can look at each other confused during the Blizzcon Q&A and say…

“Tess, who? Didn’t she die?”


They are still RPers out there thinking the crusade is right sadly.

Not reclaimed until we have full control over the plaguelands, Hillsbrad and Silverpine again.

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I mean, Calia is inherently an error and a mistake, but no.

A typo is It’s vs Its, or spelling Calia like Valia or Xalia or Dalia cuz of where the C is on the keyboard.

But a whole word? Queen?

I would bet money this is a Freudian Slip either of a) some prior iteration of the questline that had Light Undead Gilneans raised by the Scarlet Crusade going with Calia because Genn/Tess recognize the Gilnean “people” won’t accept them and Calia is crowned Queen cuz she’s so perfect or whatever or b) accidental leak of some internal working document of Forsaken direction

My anger is eternal, but I gave up on the WoW story in the sense of faith or trust since BFA and that utter trainwreck of Horde-side narrative, ergo why I started my Alternate Universe stuff then

You KNOW we could. You KNOW either of us could. We’ve DONE IT before on these very forums writing out ideal questlines we wanted.

Reminder the dev who wrote that is gone and it was a passion project where they had complete autonomy because they loved Orcs

Meanwhile, Forsaken/Worgen are burdened with overlapping with Golden’s desires for her two pseudo-OCs, Calia and Anduin (Tess cannot be a worgen because Golden wants Tess to marry Anduin, I would wager)

It’s valid. This was your Chosen Fantasy. This was what you settled on 14 years ago when the race was introduced with the fantasy you were sold.

And Blizzard has thoroughly undermined your Chosen Fantasy, so your “magic circle” is broken for the game, so your suspension of disbelief for the setting and your faith/trust in the developers is thoroughly gone.

I know the feeling well lmao

Meanwhile I’m over here like Cassandra telling all of you I told you so.

Which is ultimately the current reality.

Many Troll RPers are straight up using my AU Worldbuilding for their Troll RP for example, eg using “Zandali” as the Zandali word for Trolls, eg the “Nanchon” of Loa I invented, etc.

Many player communities of the game are choosing to create their entirely separate canon within the game-space in schism of Blizzard.

Which, good.