Queen Calia Menethil... This made me laugh (Spoilers)

Fair enough, but Midnight isn’t even in true preproduction yet, they can easily change it


It’s in the beta stage. The only thing they’re tweaking at this point are numbers for the most part. And some talents will get moved around or reworked


IIRC, there’s been some minor reworking of wording, but nothing that really changes much.

Biggest one was the act of removing a line about how the Horde and Alliance can no longer remain divided moving forwards.

The cryhards of the faction divide got that one removed and have failed to notice that the paragraph still says the same thing just in less overt wording…

Shaman really needs a rework…

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I heard shamans are in a really bad spot talent wise and their Hero talents are making the issue worse with how bad even the hero talents are.

The class needs a major overhaul, it’s so far behind everyone else in form and function

But I did notice the rewording on the one quest. I’m like It says the same EXACT thing, just less wordy


I meant to type Midnight lol


lol fair enough. I figured as much :dracthyr_heart:

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With Bel’ameth, Gilneas, and now Telogrus friendly to Horde players, I’m resigned to Silvermoon’s functional neutrality in Midnight. The better question is whether it would need to canonically leave the Horde to perform that function. To my knowledge, none of those Alliance cities stopped being Alliance just because Hordies were permitted visitations.


You are not wrong. We have several nodes that don’t work or weren’t even enabled beyond letting us progress to the next one.

Part of the hate from the community through at the class talents was they didn’t fit into the “builds” the “experts” had created and the “experts” were screaming about how this ruins everything… personally I kind of liked the idea that Totemic seemed to be going for which appeared to be to play into a hybrid of physical and elemental damage… however the “experts” don’t like that idea because it doesn’t fit into their worldviews…

We will find out soon enough what’s going on.

I could rant… so much… :dracthyr_uwahh_animated:

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From what I recall the only horde members allowed in were “diplomats”, like how in the short story the Regent and Miss Void were permitted into Silvermoon, and the “heroes/adventurers”, aka player characters, who helped save/liberate the cities in question.

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Well, their neutral/Alliance son actually lives there, and the dwarf from Fiona’s caravan did a Silvermoon pub crawl until BfA’s war broke out and the guards turned hostile. In times of peace I don’t think red = dead is as stringently enforced by the plot as it is (or was) by the game.


Yeah Shadowlands did that to me …

Took just about everything I loved about the lore, chewed it up – Digested it, diarrheacly turd it out and didn’t even flush … Just left it to fester & rot in the toilet :sob:

Only person who I’ve seen on the forums who’s delusional enough to believe the mass-majority didn’t despite the expansion & its story most especially – is Tiffany. :joy:

A suggestion I made in a thread was mysteriously vanished without so much as a notification … Then conveniently announced at Blizzcon.

So take that as you will. :joy:

:eyes: I mean … I still think you’re radical :rofl: However even a radical can make a solid good point or few, time to time :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Oh… $****… I miss that. Wow, well cats out of the bag, I guess Forsaken fans were right…all along in their worries!
So… we playing Red Alliance then for sure? lol :woozy_face:


Agree you were one of the first people who saw this coming… I thought you were just joking or trolling… but now… I guess you and the others were right all along.
I remember there were others but maybe they stop playing or change their avatars.

I guess playing Horde will be just cosmetic now…:nail_care:
Can’t wait to see what they do with our Horde remaining leaders especially after the trailer of Shadow and Fury. :skull_and_crossbones:


Blizzard: here have access to these cities no one cares about in exchange for giving high elves quelthalas.

Cause stories written revolve strictly around the alliance and have since legion, with the exception of the hordes villainization in BFA.


It is insulting that Blizzard whole decision on making new lore is somehow got bribed to give high elf fans all what they want and make the blood elf story suffer.

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Depends how they handle it I guess. If the pattern persists and the Alliance are only guests in the still very much blood elf-controlled, Horde-aligned capical of Silvermoon, that’s one thing. If half the city is given over to the Alliance and the blood elves’ home faction is demoted into some abominable neutral entity just to pander to void/high elves… that’s another thing.


I think both suck.
The alliance should not have access to Silvermoon City or the lands surrounding it.


Yes No one wants that.

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I think a lot of blood elf fans just screamed in terror and threw up a little reading that :dracthyr_hehe_animated:


If “unify the scattered elven tribes of Azeroth” was actually code for “neutralize the blood elf kingdom and dole out territory to the Alliance” then we’re certainly in trouble. Time will tell.


It depends on how the expansion plays out. Right now Blood Elves can set their hearthstone at Amirdrassil and in the Night Elf capital and can wander the city same as a Void Elf. Horde players can role play there and even share the same vendors. I think if its similar then fine. If they decide to turn Silvermoon into the new Dalaran then they have to give us very, very good reasons to make it so. I prefer something like Bel’ameth and I think most elves would be happy.

Though remember the Midnight expansion will be the reunification of the elven tribes into one faction. I wonder how that will be like and if a new city should be created to represent all elven people. Not just the Thalassians.