Queen Calia Menethil... This made me laugh (Spoilers)

Uhm, you know that Lordaeron is a MONARCHY, Yes? You don’t get a choice.

Princess Calia Menethil is the last active child of King Terenas Menethil II, therefore she is the rightful heir to the throne of Lordaeron.

Hail Queen Calia Menethil, the First of Her Name, Rightful Queen of Lordaeron. :smile:

Princess Calia Menethil is the last active child of King Terenas Menethil II, therefore she is the rightful heir to the throne of Lordaeron.

What throne? The Kingdom of Lordaeron in every capacity is dead. She has no throne to inherit.


And she quite literally says she doesn’t want it anyway. She’s not interested in being Queen, regardless of what the MHPs headcanon


And she quite literally says she doesn’t want it anyway. She’s not interested in being Queen, regardless of what the MHPs headcanon

Yeah, they’re just desperately attempting to pretend like the Menethil bloodline has any actual legitimate power and sway because they just want Lordaeron for themselves, while conveniently ignoring the presence of a certain neutral human group that hasn’t attempted to push the Forsaken out, and has in turn never been attacked by the Forsaken. (The Argent Crusade)

Edit: The Argent Crusade aren’t just humans, they’re multiracial but whatever.


Varadoc loves to upset Horde players on purpose he got banned for it on MMO champion.


So these forums are like the last refuge of the scoundrels who got banned from every other corner of the internet?

I have had my share of bans from places that are run by special interest friend groups.

Heck, I was almost banned from these forums by an over zealous Mod. I had to appeal it.


I am not worried really. Nothing holds a sign Calia will become queen and nothing is a sign that Silvermoon becomes neutral. Blizzard never turned faction aligned cities around before for the past 20 years and there is no reason to believe it will change. IF anything they will expand on Suramar and Telogrus instead to make them real capitals.

Uhm, No, this forum is the main forum. It’s literally the Official forum. Meanwhile, MMO-Champion is an irrelevant little fan-site that nobody cares about. Wowhead is basically MMO-C but better in every way, from news reporting, to guides, to additional tools (dressing room), etc. which is why Wowhead is much more popular than MMO-C.

Your reaction to Midnight will be golden. The exchange ends here.

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Harsh reminder that no city in game is neutral

We will enjoy your epic meltdown when Silvermoon stays Horde and the blood elves allow the alliance there by their good graces

I have the popcorn and beer ready for such event


Someone hasn’t played TBC, Wrath, Legion, SL, DF, and TWW. :rofl:

Someone doesn’t understand that not one faction city is neutral.

But it’s okay that you struggle to stay on topic and understand things before posting.


That’d be cool, hopefully by then we have Blood/Void Elf Shamans…

Even if not I’ll have to work out a walking tour from the perspective of my Blood Elf Shaman to give her druidic friend.


Objectively wrong. Dalaran was an Alliance city turned Neutral.

Move the goalpost again. :rofl:

Again, not one CURRENT faction city is neutral. Dalaran hasn’t been alliance in over ten years. It’s been it’s own seperate thing for a long time now

Try to stay on topic.


Said by the guy changing goalpost every second.

Don’t care. Have fun taking quests from Jaina, Alleria, and Anduin in Midnight.

You not understanding what is being said doesn’t mean anyone was changing goalposts

Hopefully two of them die horrific deaths. At least Anduin is a good dude.


Blizzard never turned faction capitals around. You have nothing to back up your claim.


TBH I wouldn’t be surprised if Silvermoon does become neutral. This three-expansion plot was planned out long before the anti-faction-breakdown voices became more vocal and in the interest of trying to have a cohesive and consecutive storyline this time around, I imagine they’d be unwilling to make major changes to whatever they have planned as a main story arc.

Besides, “elf reunification” plays into a long-standing request I’ve seen of a pan-elven faction in WoW, even if it wouldn’t officially be such.

The theory I saw recently that Azshara is going through a hero’s journey from her fall from grace to her revival and exploration of the cosmos and the umbral veil. She will comeback as the queen of the elves and redeem not just her people the naga, but all elven kind as in the final hour all the elves reunite and fight against the coming Midnight. How and what will result of this is unknown, but now that we also have a nation of half elves the potential of a pan elven empire may very well be the endgame of the trilogy.

That sounds so stupid I could believe it.