Queen Calia Menethil... This made me laugh (Spoilers)

Turning Silvermoon into the new Bel’Ameth sounds horrible though. Taking a horde city, one thats been horde since BC, and turning it into a neutral city is the worse thing they could do.

I hope it’s just another Velen situation with Silvermoon, alliance shows up, helps and than peace’s out. Blizz doesn’t really need to strip the horde identity more than it has been


Danuser and Golden are gone. Why is Calia still around? I hope Metzen deletes her from canon.


Just imagine how the Night Elf players feel about Bel’Ameth after what happened at Teldrassil and seeing Horde players in their city. If one Alliance city must be consumed by war and replaced with one shared with the Horde then well shouldn’t a Horde city also share a similar fate?

Okay, but nobody horde side is sitting here asking and or outright demanding that an alliance city go neutral. And Bel’Ameth isn’t neutral mind you, it is the new kaldorei capital.

The kaldorei merely allowed a few druids and the heros who helped it grow visit the place while horde pcs have a debuff basically saying they’re being watched closely. People being able to set a hearth there is purely a game mechanic.


Did I say neutral as in Dalaran? No neutral as in they won’t kill you on site for being Alliance especially if the Alliance will be helping the Horde stop the Void at the Sunwell. Similar to Quel’Denas in BC then I’m fine with a coalition like the Shattered Sun Offensive.

I don’t really want to speculate on an expansion that’s years away from being released. I’m more concerned with where TWW is going to take us and how this expac is even going to set up Midnight.

But we’ll just have to wait and see what blizz has planned.


The horde didn’t ask for belameth.
It was made as an excuse to dole out horde territory to the alliance.

I guarantee the guards won’t even hate you despite betraying your people and joining the alliance after the alliance left them to lose 90% of their entire population.


We both know that the Alliance did not just stood idle or aid and abet the genocide nor did they simply allow that Quel’thelas to be wiped out by 90%, and no Thalassian should ever take that position. Lordaeron fell, Dalaran fell, what remained of the Alliance of Lordaeron was in tatters and still Dwarves and gnomes sent forces to help the Blood Elves led by Kael’thas and Garithos. The Alliance has claims to Quel’thelas through the Thalassian exiles and while I wouldn’t make Silvermoon neutral like Dalaran, I can see it as a neutral staging group like Quel’Danas where all Horde and Alliance can work together to fight a common enemy in the Void. Why deny that all elves shall be united and that they need a staging point within Quel’thelas if not the city where Arator son of the Supreme Commander of the Alliance and Regent of Stormwind lives and Turalyon visits. Then where? Fairbreeze Village?

We both know the alliance did exactly that.
It’s in warcraft 3.
I’ll be sure to link the video when I get home.


I dunno, when I think of Dalaran, I think of cities where you’re purged for being a certain faction.

So what I’m saying is Alliance should get to go but be auto-flagged for pvp.


More like it’s the official dumping ground for questions deemed too stupid to go on General Discussion this and the Tavern are the forums paid least attention to, and only when someone goes severely off the rails in conduct.


I mean after Theramore? After stealing the Divine bell after using a WMD to wipe out the city and then the same people complicit in both accounts being found liable… Let’s be real. The Purge of Dalaran was not what is often played up as and even Aethas forgave Jaina and works hard to get the Sunreavers back into Dalaran and mend bridges.

The Alliance did not also commit genocide like in Teldrassil or at Southshore, Hillsbrad, Silverpine, and so on. Do you really want to play the “moral high ground” against the Alliance? Cause the Alliance did not commit repeated genocides like on Draenor to pretty much all the sentient races there, but none as brutal as what was done to the Draenei… Let’s just say the Horde should be glad that the Alliance has forgiven so much in spite what has happened. Especially after Teldrassil.

The latter three - that is, Southshore, Hillsbrad and Silverpine - have never been called genocides or depicted as such; it’d be inaccurate to even call them genocides from an out of universe PoV. Also,

:x: to doubt.



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Difference is that place isn’t neutral. Silvermoon will be if Blizzard is not afraid to dunk out all blood elf fans on purpose.


We know Aethas sucks yes.


Because it is not alliance land- Has been Horde since 2007 and that shouldn’t change.

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Yeah, and it’s still better than the MMO-C’s lore subforum, a circle-jerk of Horde stans and pseudo-intellectual wannabes, whose only Mod once stated that the Worgen should be “horribly exterminated” because they “chose the wrong side”.

If you think ANY forum in existence is worse than MMO-C, clearly you have never been there.

I am not kidding when I say that MMO-Champion has the most toxic community in the entire internet. Not kidding.

Thankfully it’s just an irrelevant fringe little fan-forum that nobody cares about. :slight_smile:

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The Alliance loves to genocide trolls, Its the foundational act that brought the original Alliance races together.

Plus there’s the dwarves that massacred an entire town in the S Barrens just so they could strip mine their holy sites. Also the quest where the horde PC stops Theramore forces working to raze durotar to the ground. Add in Jaina’s little genocidal temper tantrums and her father’s failed attempt in WC3 along with the Scarlets being fully Alliance backed until they started killing Alliance races, and there’s no lack of attempts at mass genocide.

It’d be cool if Alliance players actually played the game before making comments like this.


It’d be cool if you Millennials stop throwing around the G-word like a new buzzword.