Queen Calia Menethil... This made me laugh (Spoilers)

At least you guys admit you are trolling. Look, I don’t care if you don’t like what I say. I will keep saying what I want. You are free to do so as well, and if you troll me, I will do the same to you. Simple as that.

No one has a problem with your opinion. We have a problem with you putting others down and acting like other perspectives are invalid.

You’re a passive aggressive bully to everyone on this forum. I’ll take being a bit of a troll over your reputation any day.


I have never bullied anyone who didn’t start it first. Again, I will keep saying what I like, if people take it negatively that is on them.

That is objectively not true.


There is nothing left but the butting, and then we can say it is totally butted


This is not a fan run site where biased mods trike anything down that doesn’t fit the narrative. Anyone can attack Blizzard for a bad narrative.


I saw that, but I feel like he is out of touch, frankly. It’s like he hasn’t even grasped that a lot of media discussions these days are proxies for the culture war. Or maybe he’s just being disingenuous.

(Note, I don’t think this thread, or indeed most of the discussion on this board, is about culture war issues. But that is what is driving a lot of the social media discussions that he’s complaining about.)


It’s called having hope for your humanity, Zerde.

Clearly, it was a mistake, but you don’t have to rub it in.

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With a like this comment? I dont think you were ever that interested in having “humanity”.

Zerde don’t even try. You’re a bully. Your guilt trip is meaningless to me, because I would have to care about your feelings. Your lack of self-awareness is amusing to me, because I know it’s a self-inflicted failure of your character.

Maybe be a better person and I’ll give a damn.

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Funny, I am not the one slinging insults here like some third rate third grader.

Edit: I just realized you necroed a four month old thread just to try and insult me. :yawning_face: :yawning_face:

Too boring, didn’t read.


Still talking? Man, I must live rent free in your head to try and keep this up.

I only come here every few months anyway. I was catching up on notifications. Not my fault your antics pop up all over the place in my feed.

I mean, come on, it’s not like I’m NOT going to call out jerks for being jerks, or say whatever the hell I want whenever I want. That’s kind of my whole brand. Live with it.


So yeah, your own brand of vitrol disguised as righteous anger. Good luck with that.


Isn’t that strange to you?

I mean, I always saw it this way: the game has an undead race because, first, zombies are cool in fantasy settings, second, the story made sense for this purpose, third, each race was controlled by a leader of their own race…

Regarding this third point that I saw as ‘normal’ - this is very strange when it comes to the undead because… it involved a human that belongs to the Alliance, and even though she is “undead” now, she arrived just now and already occupies a huge position among the Forsaken…and she is not like the forsakens there…she looks like a DK (fresh and strong body)…

Something that I would find fairer or more normal, without feeling strangeness, would be if she were a counselor and helped the undead have stronger bodies like DKs, using the Light (something justified by her own experience).


You meant to say vitriol, and it’s not disguised at all <3

Exactly. It’s just bad writing.


Well at least you know you are a troll. Good for you.

It’s important to be self-aware, Zerde. There’s power in it.


What did you expect to happen… Genn’s son ruling as an undead? Tess is the surviving Greymane heir and apparantly a good enough rogue to merit membership in the UnCrowned.