Queen Calia Menethil... This made me laugh (Spoilers)

I have always had a laissez-faire view of my opinions on this forums. I toss it out, other do the same and I say let the invisible hand of Blizzard do what it does. Sometimes it wont dont what I want(ahem Sylvanas) sometimes it will(the Alliance getting a decent highlight in Gilneas) and I will just smile ear to ear when it does.

No, that isn’t at all how you present yourself, Zerde. If that is truly how you feel (rofl) then you should consider how you interact with others and see if that’s matching your views.


Its not my problem how you guys see me.

But it absolutely is. If you’re presenting yourself one way, but viewing yourself a different way, then the only person at fault is… Well, you.


Again I dont see that as my problem. I will continue to say what I want. People are free to read it or not and think what they want of me.

Y’know Zerde, you are a very obtuse person. I sometimes wonder if you know how words work.

But, y’know what? You just go on doing you. It takes a lot of bravery to say “I came to this place dedicated to sharing ideas and opinions with each other without any intention of hearing the ideas or opinions of others, because they do not matter to me at all”.

I salute you.

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Oh I know how this works considering I have been playing since Wrath.

Oh I have see your opinions and ideas and I just think they are either 1) wrong or 2) goes agains what I hope happens to WoW.

Oh good, I was worried you had finally jumped the shark and thought we all had to actually take your opinions as anything other than toxic and generally insulting.


You know you are all free to put me on ignore.

I… Don’t see how playing since Wrath means you know how words work at all?

Or was this some nifty meta way to highlight how you don’t know how words work by misunderstanding what I’d said? That would actually be rather clever.

That isn’t how opinions work either.

Wait, you ARE being meta, aren’t you?!?

That is all very clever, I approve!! Good job Zerde!!


It means I know how these forums and I am not changing regardless.

And you are making delusional stuff up again.

Wait, so you’re not being meta?

You actually still don’t understand what it means to not know how words work, and you think someone’s opinions regarding how the story is progressing are actually wrong?

Oof. Yeah, confirming my prior statements.

I dunno, guess maybe you do you and have fun with that?


Why would I do that when I so enjoy, as in it’s so bad it’s funny, the attempts to argue and twist the lore into such a mess even a pretzel would cringe in pain… and I’m not even an expert on the lore, just a casual fan of it.


Yes I do.

I will thank you.

Hey I have for the most part gotten what I wanted from the lore. The characters I wanted to remain heroic(like say Jaina) have been treated as such while those I despise, like say Garrosh or Sylvanas got the villain bat. Maybe I will see more of what I want, maybe I wont. Only time will tell.

I missed this before.

Sure, and you could put all of us on ignore too.

But I do not think I will ever ignore you. Believe it or not, I don’t hate you. I don’t even dislike you. Sure, you’re abrassive and weird and entirely un-self-aware, but you’re unabashed in it. You don’t pretend you aren’t these things, because I honestly think you’re unaware that you are these things.

There is a great degree of honesty in your self-potrayal, and I think that’s neat.

Now if you’d only be equally honest in discussions and disputes…


Oh right, that genocide kink you have.


If the day comes and she comes back into the story, I’m preserving Zerdes tears of agony


That was such a good trailer… :crying_cat_face:


Or the day she comes backs she get the Malygos treatment and shipped off to Pelagos.

She at worse has done attempted genocide and even then that could be considered retaliation for a genocide committed on her city.

Regardless, the story does not treat her as such, but they did Garrosh and Sylvanas.

It really was. She was soo awesome in that trailer. :crying_cat_face:

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