Queen Calia Menethil... This made me laugh (Spoilers)

Lor’themar and his regime are the traitors. They allied with the Draenei and Naaru instead of their true leader. For that they deserve death.

And ultimately WoW will never live up to everyone’s expectation due to a number of factors, namely that gameplay trumps lore anyday.

Personally I actually think retaking Gilneas is better then say retaking Gnomeragan(the only thing we can truly compare it). So by that standard alone I think it is an improvement. Heck, at the least the Gilneans got their entire city back, the gnomes only have the upper portion of it.

I mean, that’s wrong though ? Ask any Orc fan if their Heritage questline didn’t live up to their expectations. Yet even less resources were allocated to it than to the Gilneas questline : all the Orc Heritage questline did at the end of the day was having a bunch of old, long-forgotten NPCs make an appearance, and giving us some text dialogues and lore crumbs here and there that both 1) resolved plot points from past expansions and 2) built up new ones, offering us new narrative perspectives. And you know what ? That’s exactly what people wanted. That’s exactly what Orcs needed. To this day I can’t believe how good this questline was.

Literally all it takes to write a collectively praised questline is to acknowledge the fans’ desires and expectations and build off of these. Instead of having it the other way around and going “I as a dev want to tell this story, no matter whether it aligns with what the playerbase wants, and so I will write this story and twist the lore into letting me do whatever I want to do”.


Long forgotten NPCs is all what the Orcs have left because Blizzard was keen on killing literally everyone else. You have Thrall and an army of extras no one who isn’t a diehard nerd even knows exist. That is why that heritage quest was the worst of them all.

I mean to be honest, you have a very… specific vision of what Warcraft should be. Every single Orc fan I met was absolutely ecstatic about their Heritage questline.


When I came back from an uber-long break a few months ago, I sort of stumbled into the heritage quest on my orcette, and man!! Absolute highlight right there!!

Whoever wrote that quest chain should be the new heritage / racial quest person for everything. Not too long, did what it set out to do in a more-than-satisfactory manner, and made my orcette feel like an orcette!!

If I had to complain about something, it’d be that I want to be able to swap my brand new clan affiliation, and be able to pick it on my lowbies. That’s it, the only thing I could think to complain about.


Unfortunately that person doesn’t work at Blizzard anymore :pensive: They left just a few weeks after the questline was released iirc

But yeah. Absolute gem here. It legit just gave me EVERYTHING I wanted. One of my best WoW memories actually.

Ok now that you mention it… If I had to name one gripe I had with it, it would be : I WANTED TO PICK THE BURNING BLADE CLAN GODDAMMNIT, my Orc Warlock was SO ready for this!!!


It is a mystery how one can excited about total nonames leading the few clans remaining. Utterly pathetic. I only did the quest for the banners but the story from it is just thin and cheap.

Dude your dream Orc narrative is “revive Blackhand and kill every Nelf in sight”. No one wants that.


Who wants to kill night elves? No one. GATHERING LUMBER IS NOT AN ACT OF WAR.

You literally have repeatedly talked about how you want the Horde to slaughter the entire Alliance. Night elves are in the Alliance.


The Alliance so far has killed every troll and orc not part of Thrall’s self hate group so some payback would be totally justified.

That is some hardcore projection there…


Something you want tell us?

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The Thrall aligned Orcs hate themselves for barly existing. They aren’t worthy of respect. Only weirdos like Varanoc think the Orcs deserved to suffer for stuff they didn’t do. Even Warhammer Orks are better.

One can feel Contrition without a sense of self loathing.


Well, the Orc Heritage questline was precisely about the Orcs not hating themselves for existing and taking pride in their cultural heritage, completely backpedalling on the “Thrall abolished the clans because clan culture is toxic” BS in the process.


Your muh honor is responsible for mass orc killing since Thrall bout a bounty on everyone who disagreed with peace with the alliance. He and all his ideals can go to hell. Fel Horde and Dark Horde destruction were his doings and thousands of Orcs died for it.

…What ? Actually nvm


TBC and vanilla. Rend and Kargath deaths are both quests canonically done by the Horde player. Together with their army.