Quantum items

wasn’t the untextured necropolis just naxx pre-wrath? or was there another one?

and ye Hyjal as a zone existed in Vanilla you just couldn’t access it but it was fun to try and do it in Winterspring

then cata had to ruin everything

That’s because you don’t have anything that’s exclusive.

If you had some elite pvp mogs or stuff like that, you’d know the value comes from how rare it is, because you had to be playing at that patch, and that content, and achieve some rating.

The moment they let everyone have everything, there’s no point to collectionism and there’s no incentive to get exclusive stuff anymore. I always like to bring people to Deathwing mount. Everyone and their grandma got it, and barely anyone rode on it. If it was hard to get, it’d seem much cooler.

It’s a big game with lot of different player types, just because you don’t care about exclusive items, doesn’t mean it’s the general opinion and that no one cares either.

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I do have elite mogs and it wouldnt bother me if they were put into the boxes. What someone else has or looks like doesnt matter to me. If i like the way it looks ill use it regardless of being “exclusive”. Your last statement you can repeat to yourself

Sorry SL s4 doesnt mark the spot for every elite set being for everyone now

No, old elite sets don’t go into rng loot crates. They could potentially come back as a mid mmr rated reward, though, like win 100 games above duelist in 2-3s to purchase an old elite set on that class, etc.

Yes all the scarlet kneel. Renault would pledge the crusade to the new wielder then ashbringers ghost would show up during the dialogue and he’s like FATHER?! and tries to ask forgiveness for killing him and Ashbringer just smites him dead and is like “You are forgiven”

Then uh Fairbanks in the bank is returned to normal and has a dialogue with the wielder.

Time will tell. Wont know until we get those loot tables. Either way its just sometin extra ill do in between ques. People are a little too salty about this subject. If you wear the same J’s as me ill say you look good and be on about my day. These folks out here like hell naw this guys wearing my shoes!

Yeah, I doubt they’d do that, but if they were to bring them back it’d probably be something like that.

If it came into the game with ‘exclusive’ tag, it should remain that way.

If it just disappeared without a trace or mention, it’s fair game imo.

I think that people just get a little too optimistic about these things.

We see the trading post and people were like “finally i can get corrupted ashbringer, magic rooster egg, t3 and all the challenge modes sets i didn’t grab in mop”.

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This is how I feel. I had all kinds of Battlefield and Call of Duty achievements. Then EA closes down the servers.

No one cares nor remembers our hard earned ranks.

I miss when games didn’t have these little dopamine drips of achievements. At best you got your initials at the high scoreboard.

Having said that though. I enjoy looking at things as a personal accomplishment. Like getting my scout title when I’m probably the worst DK in all of WoW in PvP.

But yeah…no one cares. Just like no one wants you to talk about how you remember when Walmart was corn field or Highway XYZ was 2 lanes.

It would be better to incorporate the whole game as connected expansion instances so that you can start in classic in a classic world and at some point have the option to go into TBC…etc.

Or have a Threads or Fate option of doing world quests and dungeons skipping stuff. Revamp Chromie and Sync mode to pull live current players into timewalking events aka not just dungeons that reward appropriate gear for those that return to live

Like how ESO can reward a 810 and a CP 1 with rewards doing the same content

:dragon: :ocean: :dragon: :ocean:

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exactly this, theres a lot of old pvp stuff i missed out on but out of respect for the OGs who have been playing longer than me i think it would be a terrible idea to re-add those appearances. nothing would kill the aww of seeing a real corrupted ashbringer out in the wild more than if all the unwashed masses of the game could get one.