Q'onzu Was a Disappointment

It belongs to them more then anyone else, Narratively they are the ones who show up when the emerald dream needs working on or is involved


This is some lawyer argument bullspittle.

“The Night Elves do not have legal ownership of the Emerald Dream, ergo you are wrong.”


This is like saying Cenarius isn’t nelf content. Or Dryads. Or Priestesses of the Moon.


The Emerald Dream existed prior to Azeroth getting terraformed by the Titans. Freya “stumbled” on it one day. It’s Azeroth 's dream. This was long before the Night Elves even existed. It was implied to have been ordered by the Titans.

The first creatures who inhabited it were Dragons. The only reason why it’s become synonomous with Night Elves is because Y’Sera told them about the Dream.

Cenarius (Apa’ro) is also Tauren content.


What part of this sentence reads “The Emerald Dream, in the story, was canonically created for Night Elves”

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y’all are speaking mighty “loudly” and confidently for being simply incorrect. that’s really the issue.
yes, the emerald dream content we got in the most recent patch has a ton of night elf imagery. this is, fairly obviously, because it was the setting for a night elf plot resolution. i can’t tell if some of y’all just legit don’t know the lore, or don’t care enough abt speaking accurately to have decent critiques of it.


You’re falling back to a defeated argument because you know you’re wrong.
The lore is irrelevant.
The Emerald Dream was created by Blizzard to be part and parcel for night elf content.
It was created strictly and only for night elf back story in the night elf War of the Ancients books.

Trolls are older than the Night Elf race.
Tauren are older than the Night Elf race.
Humans are older than the Night Elf race.

Only Night Elves were bound to the Emerald Dream by the aspect that takes a Night Elf form, went to Ardenweald when the Nightsong played, was announced to be the pet of the Goddess whose favorite race is Night Elves.

Are you telling me Elune (Muusha) is Night Elf content?
Cause I am telling you that you are wrong.

Interacting with an NPC, or knowing about an NPC, is not enough to claim an npc.

Cenarius is the literal son of Elune, whose favored race is strictly and only night elves.
His form is literally half night elf in design.
Who thinks of Tauren so poorly, so little, that she doesn’t correct their incorrect lore of her, or even tell them her real name.

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i’m honestly baffled here. doubling down on your error instead of adjusting it when demonstrably incorrect seems like saving face, but badly. if you want to make a metatextual point, that’s great, but don’t then get the text wrong and assume that your integrity holds up. your criticism from the first was trite, but this is just getting annoying


Just going back to the thing you ignored and are praying everyone else missed:

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The Gods in WoW seem to prioritize and are directly impacted by worship. The story of Bwonsamdi and Mueh’zala explains that. The trolls turned away from Mueh’zala and he lost power.

You say “Elune only loves the Night Elves” they are the only race on Azeroth who still worship her.

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i ignored it because it is a silly thing to say. this is actually what i meant when by “metatextual point:” the emerald dream was initially* written for night elf content. this does not mean, ipso facto, that every subsequent time it is used in the franchise, these uses are also night elf content, precisely because of the actual lore for the dream. (honestly, saying “owls are night elf content” is really funny and doesn’t make me think your judgements about these things are great in the first place.)
but even more broadly, i don’t really think you’re interested in productive conversation here, so i’m just gonna put you on /ignore and stop replying to bad faith points.

Q’onzu was a disappointment to me because the setting has enough preexistin Wild Gods and loa to fill the Emerald Dream zone shoulder-to-shoulder, and yet they were left out in favor of this new owl.

I feel like Q’onzu must be setting up a future storyline where’s he’s a villain or something, because otherwise it feels so weird that the writers would create this new character that calls himself a loa and whose themes could be filled by existing loa instead of… using one of those many existing loa.

Or maybe Nathanos’ writer was suffering withdrawals and had to write a sneering and dismissive dialogue right that moment to survive?

What’s with all these 30-post andies showing up all of a sudden and spreading Horde-biased rhetoric that is blatantly fake news?

The Emerald Dream is literally the stewardship of the Night Elves. Through Nordrassil, they gained power over the Emerald Dream, and since then Kaldorei Druids have repeatedly watched over the wildlife. The greatest of the Dream’s Wild Gods, Cenarius, is literally the Patron Demi-god of the Night Elves. The Great Trees, the inter-dimensional gateways linking Azeroth and the Emerald Dream, were grown by Staghelm and his druids.

Troll Druids are a Post-Cataclysm fad, and frankly they should be glad they even had a token Loa there in the first place (Q’onzu).

honestly, it doesn’t inspire a ton of confidence for the writers’ ability to develop their world when instead of turning over the main cast, which has grown stale, they sideline minor and underdeveloped characters and lore in favor of new, conceptually confused ideas. q’onzu just came across as yet another middle finger to the religiosity of their characters to me, personally

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Ignoring the fact that the vast majority of troll druids were and are trained by Gonk, the loa of shapes


It seems like the trolls call anything from a spirit to and Ancient “loa” they don’t respect druid nomeclature. Q’onzu was likely not a Loa they just liked the change of not being designated as a “Wild God.”

Q’onzu is all about change and they are a bit contrarian.

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I think it’s quite irrelevant whether the Emerald Dream belongs to Night Elves in lore. Fact is, the Emerald Dream is more attached to the Night Elves than to any other playable race. The aesthetics are heavily Night Elf-themed.


The trolls call every nature spirit a loa to be fair. Even night elf wisps are sometimes called loa by some trolls.

It’s just their thing :blush:


You couldn’t debate with it honestly.
You didn’t understand my argument at first glance and said something dumb, and felt ashamed, so you tried to change the argument entirely.

Everything supernatural!
It’s just a catch all phrase!


They don’t call Elune that.

as some seem incapable of grasping, the reason it does matter at all, aside from simply being a good practice to speak truthfully and clearly, is that because it’s not their domain, there are many ways in which it can be implemented in the game and lore without the night elves necessarily taking a front-and-center role. that was actually my gripe with the prominence of the night elves in the section of the dream we saw; despite the fact that it’s not their domain, and in fact is the domain of dragons, those very dragons played second fiddle. it’s a bit like the disparity with druid content, as well. undeniably, night elves have a huge and indelible mark on druidism, but it needn’t be so that all “druid” content be considered “night elf” content