Q'onzu Was a Disappointment

So I think Q’onzu was meant to be a bit of a bone thrown at Horde players so they wouldn’t have to quest with only Night Elf content. However, they still is disappointing in a couple of ways.

  1. They’re redundant. We already have Gonk. He taught Darkspear Trolls Druidism, and yet was MIA in the Emerald Dream patch.

  2. They only call themself a Loa “these days,” because they like the word. Trolls have zero connection to them.

  3. They have Moonkin followers, yet still admits Elune created them. Everything is connected to Elune.

So they’re still a fun character to be around, bit still, they could’ve done more with the Horde on regards to Q’onzu.


I think the real bone thrown was Sul’raka, insultingly enough.

Q’onzu would have made more sense as an attempted nod if they’d kept the og racial moonkin forms as Q’onzu’s worshippers, rather than turning them all into the new forms. I’m guessing they didn’t because it stepped on the wrong toes. :upside_down_face:

And agreed, it’s so bonkers than both Gonk and Torcali, the two very much involved with the dream, got nothing but Ohn’ahra can be there because of the centaur and the portal in the plains. Oh, but Gral can’t. Just because.

Which presents another issue. Ohn’ahra could have at least had more significance and actual quests in the dream, given she’s been a part of the main expansion, but no? We get Q’onzu instead, frustratingly shallow, conveniently unconnected to anything regarding the Loa. It could have made up for being so asleep at the wheel regarding Tauren and Ohn’ahra having… nothing this whole expansion? Was it seriously nothing…


The Owl made me cringe because they reminded me that the premise of the entire patch was suspect and I really didn’t understand why I was there.

And that if we should visit the Lifelands in the future I’ll cringe to death watching a Night Elf player come to grips with meeting Elune face-to-face.

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I was hoping that if they were doing the whole every race could be Druids that they could be a Wild God to the elves.

I wonder now if we’ll ever see them again.

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I was just a bit bored of the passe “I’m arrogant and act like I’m the greatest being ever, but I’m secretly kind of weak and worthless!” shtick, seen it too many times.

Q’onzu would be more interesting if they somehow pulled off a genuinely surprising and different rug-pull, like maybe they’re actually insanely powerful, and their arrogance was well-deserved in the end.


Q’onzu I feel might of had content cut. They laid out breadcrumbs that they were a dark troll loa, and they were stupidly old even in terms of wild gods. As in back in their day there was no emerald dream, but whatever came before the walled garden we know. There was also some hints they had a lot of power, enough to consume druid of the flame corruption to see what it would do—To Aviana’s horror— and then dispel it because it was boring. Blizzard could of done some cool stuff with them.

It would of been on brand for them to of lead the Dark Trolls to the well just to see what sort of changes it cause, for example. And there must be ties between Q’onzu and Elune given the thematic links.

None of that really got addressed.


There is a point to be made here: most Loa/Wild Gods we know of are the direct result of Titan experimentation. Q’onzu doesn’t seem to care about anything but change, indicative of an old being who’s seen it all and has no attachment to life on Azeroth, a being with more infinite cares, or who maybe doesn’t even understand the mortal universe… like an entity that truly originates from the Garden of Life, and isn’t actually in an way connected with Wild Gods or Loa that we know.

Q’onzo might be different because they are different. One of the first true inhabitants of the plane of Life that we’ve talked with, not of Azeroth. Q’onzu might be strange because they genuinely don’t belong here. Maybe everyone is annoyed with this owl because they’ve burrowed their way into a Titan realm (the Dream) they don’t belong in, when they’re meant to stay in the non-Titan segment of the Garden.

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I liked him
Didn’t know it was a horde thing the whole zone was still very night elf


It’s not really a horde thing. It’s a nothing thing. Because as a zandalari you can tell him the Zanchuli have no records or mention of him to which he says “of course they don’t”. As a dark spear it’s similar dialogue. That whole “story” was nothing and went nowhere.


Wow, that seriously never once occurred to me. So if that was the intent, it definitely didn’t work for me.

Hmmmm, wasn’t there a rumor at one point that dark trolls would be in DF?

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Primordial Trolls were originally datamined to appear during DF. The Djaradin took their place instead


Unless maybe they (the primordial trolls) were intended for some Caverns of Time-style flashback chain?


It’s certainly possible that was the original intention. We’ll never know for certain now though.

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They took away bwonsamdi being older than the oldest race on azeroth and gave it to an alliance god.

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That happened in Shadowlands, not Dragonflight.


When discussing with Vol'jin, Bwonsamdi stated that the loa came before the trolls, which would make him and other loa older than them.[12] This statement, as it concerned himself, was ultimately false. Long ago, Mueh'zala was the loa of the dead for all trolls, and he elevated Bwonsamdi from priest to loa,[13] becoming Bwonsamdi's master. But Mueh'zala's followers turned against him, fearful of the sacrifices and blood he demanded, and over time he was forgotten by all but the Sandfury tribe while Bwonsamdi became the primary loa of the dead.[14]

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Okay? What’s that got to do with the price of tacos in Georgia??

They still took away the thing a horde god had, and gave it to a nelf god that presides over nelf moonkin whomst are linked to Elune.

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Q’onzu isn’t really a Night Elf God, though. The Night Elves knew as little about Q’onzu as the trolls did.

Besides, according to the wiki it looks like you were misinterpreting Bwonsamdi’s words. He never claimed he and the Loa were older than the oldest race on Azeroth, only that they existed before the Trolls did. Loa as a term seems to originate from the trolls directly. Ergo, there were no, ‘Loa,’ until the Trolls started refering to Wild Gods by that term. Ultimately, races in the Black Empire existed on Azeroth before any of Azeroth’s Loa/Wild Gods were formed.

Granted a lot of this comes from writers tearing up the settled foundation to inject the stories they want to write to begin with.

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Yes they are.
I already headed off your bull spit with several things that link them to nelf godhood.

As if the nelf colored nelf owl form in the nelven emerald dream in this nelf patch while taking gonk’s place wasn’t already enough.

Technically speaking, it’s not wrong though. Wild Gods/Loa are older than the trolls. Many decided to follow Freya when she was going around creating a lot of the wilds and flora/fauna that we see currently

It’s just that when Freya created her special enclaves, many of those wild gods were able to cross over from the Emerald Dream into the physical world.

It’s just that Bwom isn’t as old as he originally claimed to be is all. Which you know, kinda sucks. Because it’s just another hit to the horde identity

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Putting aside semantics of titles, this is true. Trolls didn’t come to exist until some time after the Black Empire’s defeat, meaning the Wild Gods which arose on Azeroth likely came before them.

Q’onzu is different in that he seems to have preceded even those events. They even state they call themself a Loa because their first mortal worshipers referred to them as that, which is what the Trolls use to refer to the Wild Gods. Before that, Q’onzu may have simply been another Wild God.

I don’t know about that.

See, while Shadowlands was awful in a lot of ways, Bwonsamdi’s story felt very Horde-thematic to me. He was a priest, rose to a Loa, and then usurped the place of his former Loa to be a better one.

Kind of how the Horde began as pawns of the legion, broke free of those shackles to become their own people, and became better than they were before (until the writers decided the Horde needed to explore its soul. Twice).

To me it’s a very Horde thing to kill your own God because they’re a Piece of Spit.