Oof, was able to strafe when I logged in, finished some quests, now I can’t strafe. I might have found the culprit, but still troubleshooting:
- Relogging
- /reload
- Re-binding Q and E for strafing
- Binding alternate keys (chose [ and ])
- Disabled all add ons - this “fixed” it.
Now I need to turn on one at a time and find which is being bad.
I use: Details, threatplates, gottagofast, narcissus, altoholic and a whole suite of data add ons, xFaktion? something, TMW and Weakauras. Oh, DBM too.
Edit: turned all my addons back on to see if it would break, still fixed.
So either
- It’s intermittent and N’zoth help us
- They hotfixed it while I was griping about it
- It’s intermittent but an add-on is to blame
The bug happens to most of us even without addons. The addons are not to blame. It’s somehow related to dragonflying
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As soon as I relogged at lunch it started doing it with B instead. So default keybinds go bork?
Just had this bug happen to me when entering Neth dungeon. I was dragonriding just before I entered the dungeon, like others are saying this may be related.
The fix is literally creating a brand-new character. I did that then logged into my main & it’s now permanently fixed. My “E” “Q” and “Space” are all now working even in dungeons.
Shoutout to @Yerp for finding it out.
I’ve tried every fix listed, and they work temporarily but there is no fix for entering a dungeon. As a caster, having to constantly move out of things strategically between doing long casts, this is almost unplayable. Don’t forget to submit an in game bug so that their support teams see it flagged and hopefully find a fix.
Same issue, please resolve
Keybinding bug and Azure having severe Lagging Issues, makes the game nearly unplayable. Getting so frustrated!
Same bug, goes into battlegrounds too. If I fly and land my dragon the bug is fixed. Hopefully Blizzard realizes the bug by now.
potentially related but who knows: So later yesterday I started noticing that a lot of interface keybinds had been unmapped (map, bags, character pane, dungeon finder). Going through them as I go but yeah, fun stuff.
A and D stoped working too
Anytime i get a cutscene or some type of transition like with instances. it bugs out.
Just started for me today but it has been a ROUGH day working without it.
Please blizz , i need my movement keys
, i couldnt finish a dungeon because i got frustrated i was having to turn manually to dodge or angle to do damage ( WW monk)
I got this to fix, so far permanently, by logging out mounted while in the Nohkud Offensive and relogging. Tested a couple other dungeons after and didn’t get the bug again yet. Hopefully fixed before M+ though
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Having this issue myself. Posting so maybe the right eyes can see it
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happening to me now as well. mounting and dismounting does NOT fix it
Having this issue since todays patch. Hitting the designated binds does not strafe at all, however it still cancels casts. Makes no sense.
still happens as of now >.<