Q & E Strafe keybinds don't work

Mouse strafe no longer works either as of this patch. Hold the right mouse button and (turn left and right) A or D no longer strafes.

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Same same, 12-13-2022. Dragonriding, zoning, relogging, etc doesn’t fix it. Good thing we’re still in beta.

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This also worked for me too. I had tried relogging. Switching to another character, strafing and logging back. Creating a new character, logging in, then switching back was the fix.

I’m dealing with this bug as well. It’s making the game essentially unplayable. I have tried:

  • Reloading
  • Restarting
  • Changing keybinds to several different buttons and devices (keyboard, mouse, keypad)
  • Mounting on dragonriding mount and dismounting.
  • Flying to a different zone
  • Entering and exiting an instance
  • Updating all add ons
  • Disabling all add ons
    At this point my only option is to come back tomorrow and hope it’s fixed. RIP raiding.

I’m having this exact issue. Only thing that seems to fix it is to create a new character strafe on it. Delete the new character and then log on my main character. That blizzard polish really isn’t there anymore is it folks.

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This worked up for me, thanks, good idea.

Strafing not working for me also. Tried all recommended fixes, nothing.

still have the issue 12/14 how is this not fixed

This issue is still on-going and affecting new people daily. Can we get a single dev assigned to investigate and fix this.

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Something in the WTF folder gets corrupted. Not sure what yet. I exit the game, delete my character folder, and log back in and it works.

happened to me today

all of these could not fix it

If it hasn’t been mentioned. Logging into another character fixed the problem for me.

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+1 /10char

When i did this I could move the character I logged into, but logged back into original character and strafe buttons still didn’t work.

hmm that’s strange, sorry to hear. its bizarre. Now i avoid being mounted when I queue in or out

Just had this bug. I completely exited out and logged back in. Strafe STILL wasn’t working. Like others in this thread, I had to log into an alt and then back on the character having the issue to fix it.

Same thing, cannot strafe at all despite all the “fixes”.
Weird thing is, when I am fishing and press the strafe buttons the fishing bobber disappears as I just moved, but the char is not moving at all, so the buttons work just not for strafing .

Happened for me out in the world. Was dragonriding then dc’d, came back Q & E don’t strafe. Going to try the suggestions here.

Edit; logged out on dragon back and logged back in. Seems to have fixed it for now at least.

This just happened to me

log in on another toon strife log out and log back in and fixed