Q & E Strafe keybinds don't work

lol, it fixes it

@atohm yes its a permanent fix


you are my hero, thank you

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I had this issue when zoning into a dungeon after it popped, only fix i found was to log out and back in again.

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cmon blizz fix this already!! tank here wanting to queue for dungeons, but not going to again until this gets fixed. Tired of turning and running from mobs i am tanking (which is bad… yknow) just to avoid mechanics… we need to strafe!!!

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Having the same issue and unable to fix it. This is pretty game breaking.

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Just started having this issue after I went into a dungeon on my monk. Makes doing dungeons near-unplayable. Tried teleporting out, mounting up and flying then landing then teleporting back in, tried logging out and back in, tried reloading, tried making a new character, nothing works to fix it.


that works temporarily…went into an instance and it happens again

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if you dismount your dragon before you enter does it still happen?

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yeah it still does…just died in a dungone and it went away…came back after a few steps

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Same issue. After entering Neltharus, strafing becomes impossible. Zoning out/logging out doesn’t fix the issue, only flying on a dragonriding mount does. Zoning back into the dungeon causes the issue again, regardless of whether I was on a mount or not going through the portal. Should be a very high priority fix I would hope.


To say this bug is annoying is a gross understatement, hopefully Blizz pushes a fix for it soon.


I want to reiterate this point right here. Pressing spacebar on a flying mount doesn’t do anything but jump a little. I did find that after using Evoker’s Soar ability, I was able to do everything normal until I zoned into another area, like going from Org to UC, then it went back to not being able to fly unless I dropped off somewhere higher than a player.

This needs fixing quickly before M+ starts!

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Bumping. Fix this bug Activision-Blizzard, it occurs every single time I enter a dungeon… even leaving the instance and remounting to fix it as soon as I re-enter the dungeon the bug comes back. There are an absurd amount of bugs in this expansion so far. I can’t believe I paid $80 for this lol.


For whatever reason, it disappeared for a day or two. Now it’s back. Just like before, happens every time I load a new zone, and only fix is mounting/riding/dismounting a dragon.

what’s the point of having a beta


Still happening, game is unplayable

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started today for me, on my 1st character did every m0 and had no issues, on my paladin, everything was normal, been 70 for 3 days now, went into Neltharius lair and boom, strafe bug, if i mount, fly and dismount it works, but as soon as i go into the dungeon it is bugged again.

i entered the dungeon while flying, i can now strafe inside, hope it helps

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Not only this, but the camera is endlessly getting stuck at different angles. This is kind of a big thing, especially trying to raid and/or do M+. I wonder how long it will take to fix or if they will even at least acknowledge that it is an issue.

With me it’s the A and D keys. From what I understand it’s the lateral movement keys. The bug only comes out if you fly on the dragon and fall to the ground to get the bug out. Fix it, blizzard. DG and BG without moving laterally is killing me.