Q & E Strafe keybinds don't work

just confirmed : create a new character, you’ll be able to strafe, go back to main, fixed.

weird bug


Bloody legend!


This bug needs fixed ASAP. I entered a dungeon and couldn’t strafe, made things kinda rough. I’ve never had that happen before.


Same issue - entered a dungeon and suddenly couldn’t strafe. /reload and even exiting the game didn’t help. Wasn’t until I was outside and mounted my dragon that it fixed itself.


how the F*** is this not fixed yet? This is literally game breaking and It doesnt matter how many times I can fix it in the open world, once I enter a dungeon its broken again and theres nothing you can do to fix it. Creating a new character works temporarily, then you reenter a dungeon, broken again. what a joke blizz


Is blizzard even aware of this problem?


Same issue, nothing seems to bring my Q and E back, also R isnt working as down when I’m flying but works fine for sitting while unmounted. Fix This!!!


Its happening on battlegrounds too, managed to make it work flying for abit then landing but when going into dungeon it doesnt work either.


I am having this issue too. out of dungeon I can mount dragon fly and get off and it works. but it will break upon entering a dungeon again. I also can not jump or move upwards in water. In Halls of Infusion, after the first boss there is water you have to cross to move on. I could not get over the ledge to cross the water because I could not jump out of the water. I tried turning off my addons, exiting game and logging back in, teleporting out and doing dragon fix. None of this worked. I was finally able to wriggle my character over the edge.

edit. I went around doing some quests in my quest log and it seems to be working now?


Just got this bug for the first time after activating the Cobalt Assembly waygates.


just started for me today, no problems up until this morning. no matter what i do, rebind, restart, or reload my left and right movement keys won’t strafe. they’ll only rotate left or right.


broken in dungeons, forcing the game closed won’t help, zoning out fized it until i zone back in…

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I’m having this issue as well, it makes the game incredibly awkward and unsatisfying to play. I feel like I have such little situational awareness while this bug is happening.

Like with others, flying on a Dragonriding mount and then landing does “fix” it temporarily. Returning to an instance or loading into a new one immediately breaks strafing again though.

Pls blizz


Every time I enter a dungeon this happens. A timely fix would be greatly appreciated.

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Adding my name to the list.

Occurs on every dungeon entrance. Cannot strafe. Leave dungeon, mount dragon, hit “2” and it works again. Re-enter dungeon, broken again.


Same issue. Driving me crazy. Keeps happening. Happens when I enter battlegrounds too where I don’t have the option to mount up to ‘fix’ it… This is going to be a huge issue if it starts happening in Arenas…

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I’m so glad it wasn’t just me! Definitely made healing dungeons just that bit more challenging I must admit :smiley:

I had tried all sorts of things thinking it was my keyboard (switched keyboards), disabled addons, reloaded UI’s, cleared Wow cache folders! I thought it was just me until I found this thread

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i said how to fix it above

just confirmed : create a new character, you’ll be able to strafe, go back to main, fixed.

weird bug


is that a permanent fix for it? You can also fix it by mounting the dragon and flying then landing again… but whenever you go into a loading screen or leave the dragon land it comes back.

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Oh were you serious about that? I thought you were trolling!

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