PW: Blink twice if Vixie made you make this

So, I'm kind of like a Shadowpriest
03/18/2018 01:31 PMPosted by Vixie
03/17/2018 11:58 PMPosted by Zunde
I'm just here to steal Vixies lunch money.

Silly Zundey. I don't eat lunch. Or have any money.

Bully law dictates that now i have to beat you up.
It's a hard knock Power Word: thread for Vixie.
03/19/2018 05:19 AMPosted by Zunde
03/18/2018 01:31 PMPosted by Vixie

Silly Zundey. I don't eat lunch. Or have any money.

Bully law dictates that now i have to beat you up.

Bully Law?

Is that like Blue Laws?
*sparkly leveitates in* I have arrived to grace ya`ll with my sparkles. on a more serious note hello i have been a long time lurker from back when the forums had tank and healing sub tabs and i have joined the awesomeness that is priests
Guys, we need to talk about how incredibly awful female human faces are following the WoD model "upgrade."

My god, I was never quite so aware of it, but all of them have mouths that are like 20 miles across and the only ones that don't actually do, but use lipstick to create the illusion of a proportionate mouth, which becomes incredibly obvious the moment the character is highlighted.

It's like 10 billion years later, and this is still just awful, awful, awful.

But at least void elves exist now.
I never got involved in the role forums but since we were on the topic of old threads, I wonder what ever happened to all the people that were regularly on the healer forum.

Edit: Female humans and male blood elves are two models I think actually got worse after WoD.
03/19/2018 03:29 PMPosted by Kheng
*sparkly leveitates in* I have arrived to grace ya`ll with my sparkles.
Please don't get sparkles on me. It messes with my ability to stealth. x.x
03/19/2018 04:41 PMPosted by Nixxea
My god, I was never quite so aware of it, but all of them have mouths that are like 20 miles across and the only ones that don't actually do, but use lipstick to create the illusion of a proportionate mouth, which becomes incredibly obvious the moment the character is highlighted.
Yah. haha. Honestly, their overall design reminds me a lot of pixar characters.
You know, Wildstar gave me that feel, too.
03/19/2018 08:39 AMPosted by Naturesway
03/19/2018 05:19 AMPosted by Zunde

Bully law dictates that now i have to beat you up.

Bully Law?

Is that like Blue Laws?

I dunno what that is but if Zero says it, it must be something freak nasty.

/gets beat up by meanie head Zunde.

And welcome Kheng! It's not usually this violent here. Must be a phase.
In general, I think the new models are better in still images. The real problem comes when they start moving. All the animations are just too ridiculous and exaggerated. The psychopathic screaming while casting is a particular favorite of mine.

I will admit the male gnome models are appreciably worse even without moving.
03/19/2018 11:08 PMPosted by Icpitl
In general, I think the new models are better in still images. The real problem comes when they start moving. All the animations are just too ridiculous and exaggerated. The psychopathic screaming while casting is a particular favorite of mine.

Let us bow our heads in a moment of silence out of respect for the female human animations that are no longer with us.

RIP Best animations in the game 2004-2014
Nah Vixie

When I was a wee little lad working in a small town grocery store, the town had a "Blue" law, no selling of booze until noon on Sundays.

I dunno if they are still around, I imagine so though

Hi Kheng! Whalec... well, welcome
Ohhh...that's what that was. Well, you know how my mind works. =P
Knocrogue i wont get sparkles on ya i promise
*Picks up Vixie and puts her in garbage can*

You have been bullied.
I can't bear to watch this intense bullying. Somebody do something.
I will do something.

*Rolls trashcan down hill*
03/21/2018 03:35 PMPosted by Zunde
*Rolls trashcan down hill*
Oh my gosh! You've murdered Kheng!!!
Who else got an alpha invite?

Right before my vacation to Vegas...bad timing! Will try it next week when I get back.

ps. wait what? Why am I Oscar the Grouch all the sudden? (or was it the cookie monster who lives in a trash can?)