PW: Blink twice if Vixie made you make this

03/22/2018 05:25 PMPosted by Vixie
Who else got an alpha invite?

About half of General Discussion it would seem.
I heard if you beat them in an argument they’re forced to forfeit their alpha invite to you
03/22/2018 08:05 PMPosted by Nysem
I heard if you beat them in an argument they’re forced to forfeit their alpha invite to you

I'm not literally drowning in alpha invites, so I don't think that's true.
03/22/2018 05:25 PMPosted by Vixie
Who else got an alpha invite?

Right before my vacation to Vegas...bad timing! Will try it next week when I get back.

ps. wait what? Why am I Oscar the Grouch all the sudden? (or was it the cookie monster who lives in a trash can?)

I did, can't play WOW for a month lol
I got an alpha invite but I'm not super interested in alpha/beta. I don't need more mediums of disappointment from Blizzard.
I got a rock.
How did this end up being the only Allied Race that has gained even one level yet? I don't even like draenei.
03/23/2018 05:45 PMPosted by Mur
I got an alpha invite but I'm not super interested in alpha/beta. I don't need more mediums of disappointment from Blizzard.

Only disappointment I see is your Transmog

03/24/2018 03:13 PMPosted by Nixxe
How did this end up being the only Allied Race that has gained even one level yet? I don't even like draenei.

How did your fat avatar manage to fit the screen, filing a bug report to Blizzard as we speak.
1 Like
Vegas was funsies. Won enough to go shopping at the airport - bought me a Pandora bracelet with dice on them (and sparklies too, of course). And noise cancelling headphones. Good times.
lol holy !!!! the burns are real :(

It's funny reading my last post in this thread. Basically, "I'm unhappy with this game. -Signed, Someone Who Has Very Obviously Just Purchased a Race Change"

*cries in Thalassian*
Burned through 40 levels as an Affliction Warlock. Feels so much like old Shadow. DoT all the things, never die from getting back more health than things are damaging you. just finished a handful of suggested 3 player quests. Didn't drop below 50% I know it will probably get more complex as I go along, but I am enjoying being powerful again.

Best to all they got Alpha invites, I know I wont, give lots of feedback with information.
03/28/2018 05:20 PMPosted by Mur
lol holy !!!! the burns are real :(

It's funny reading my last post in this thread. Basically, "I'm unhappy with this game. -Signed, Someone Who Has Very Obviously Just Purchased a Race Change"

*cries in Thalassian*

Well, and the whole pre-order thing.

03/28/2018 06:14 PMPosted by Marathal
Feels so much like old Shadow.

That's why I'm playing it. Unfortunately, it's currently slated to get Shadowbolt back as its filler.
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Shadow bolt has been surprisingly divisive for the amount of people who crave the way things used to be, but having a good 5-6 seconds where I can literally do nothing but let Drain soul channel made affliction a little boring to me. At least in the past I only had to do that during execute and it hit like a truck.

I liked the old shadow bolt graphic and wouldn’t mind having that again. What I really miss about my warlock though is shadowflame’s barf sound effect, curses that were actually disruptive/disabling, and being able to “cheat” mana in a world where mana mattered to dps too. Oh, and dots that don’t need to be heavily propped up by filler spells or stacking modifiers to do optimal damage.

I liked wrath and cataclysm affliction.
03/28/2018 03:32 PMPosted by Vixie
Vegas was funsies. Won enough to go shopping at the airport - bought me a Pandora bracelet with dice on them (and sparklies too, of course). And noise cancelling headphones. Good times.

And ride first class, well you're short, so the leg room always feels first class.

I'm stuck in Ontario, hopefully for not much longer
03/28/2018 07:52 PMPosted by Nysem
Shadow bolt has been surprisingly divisive for the amount of people who crave the way things used to be, but having a good 5-6 seconds where I can literally do nothing but let Drain soul channel made affliction a little boring to me. At least in the past I only had to do that during execute and it hit like a truck.

Aff can definitely be a little slow, but I don't think hitting a casted filler two or three times instead of a channeled filler once really improves upon that. There's also the issue where channeled fillers are inherently superior to casted fillers, as well as that for dot specs in particular channeled fillers go a long way to ensuring fluid gameplay. I'd rather they just give us back instant Shadowbolt procs or something, but leave Drain Soul as the filler.
Well, and the whole pre-order thing.

I think I will probably buy every expansion that launches. I do this with League of Legends too. I log in for the first time in 5 months just to buy a new skin, and then I log out for another several months.

03/29/2018 07:49 PMPosted by Mur
I log in for the first time in 5 months just to buy a new skin, and then I log out for another several months.

Not sure it can be helped. It's a collection and you want the whole thing. I don't know if it's really possible to resist once you set your mind on it. Especially when you already have the whole current collection. I'm sorry, Mur. For the rest of your life(or LoL's life), you'll be logging in and buying new skins whenever they release. :(
Unless you don't have the full current collection. Maybe it will be easier to resist then. But, who knows.

As for WoW, at least you seem to play it! :P
03/29/2018 07:49 PMPosted by Mur
I think I will probably buy every expansion that launches. I do this with League of Legends too. I log in for the first time in 5 months just to buy a new skin, and then I log out for another several months.



You just need a new hobby. I would suggest becoming a semi-professional pirate captain. Live a life of booty and mer-der.