PW: Blink twice if Vixie made you make this

I had to wait until 40 to get Whirlwind on my warrior. It got a lot better after that. I know some other classes have to wait awhile for any real aoe too.
03/09/2018 11:52 PMPosted by Nixxe
The ideal group is one healer and four lightforged prot pallies. I'm like 50% of the damage in half of these instances. I'm lower on bosses, but still #1.
Yah, it's pretty insane. As Nysem mentioned with Warriors, it just seems a lot of classes don't get AOE till later on. I know Rogues don't get any until 63.
I will say, leveling in a group with 4 Lightforged Prot Paladins does sound pretty fun. :P
When I leveled a rogue I was throwing engineering bombs on cd to try and do any aoe because I had none.
Forever a tryhard, Nysem.

Not me though. I don't flask for 15s and just listen to Loko go "Nixx, my kidneys."
Speaking of try hard, I will clear normal antorus one of these days
03/10/2018 11:37 AMPosted by Nysem
Speaking of try hard, I will clear normal antorus one of these days
I did in LFR, that counts right?
<Shkan and Friends> is now officially 11/11 H. Just gotta recruit another 10 people off the mean streets of Dalaran and "accidentally" set it to mythic so we can "accidentally" kill M Garothi Worldbreaker and then the real fun can begin.

We are world 13,269. Tell your friends.
So, I have a computer problem.

This thing seems to turn off abruptly at times. I'm thinking this could be an overheating issue, and it *does* seem to happen mostly when I use Firefox, which also causes high CPU temperatures (65°C+, versus no more than 50-55° for Chrome). I may try putting on new heatsink paste if the problem persists.

The bigger problem is that the screen generally refuses to turn on. I press the power button to turn on the computer, and it begins whirring, but the screen stays black. The computer stays on as long as I let it, and eventually I just have to hold down the power button to turn off the computer and try again.

It's possible that the computer is booting properly and it's just the screen that isn't working. But I kind of don't think so, because I've tried typing my password and pressing enter. If the computer booted successfully, that should log me in and load the desktop environment, at which point the Wi-Fi and bluetooth indicators should light up, but they don't.

About one time out of ten, maybe less, the screen turns on and the computer boots properly. When this happens, the screen works perfectly—no dimness or flickering or anything—so it seems like the LCD itself is fine. But I still feel like this may be a hardware issue, because when the screen *doesn't* work, it shows nothing, not even the initial boot screen.

So...does anyone have any suggestions?
If you're not even seeing the BIOS, wouldn't that point to the mobo being the issue?
03/15/2018 04:52 AMPosted by Nixxea
If you're not even seeing the BIOS, wouldn't that point to the mobo being the issue?

Yeah, I've been kind of worried that might be the issue. :/
I agree with Nixx
If it's that sporadic, could be a wire problem. Or a short.
Dang, I almost posted that in Discord last night, but then I thought better of it because I wasn't sure what it would actually look like.
I went ahead and reread all of the old PW threads since I started contributing to them.

My heart aches for a simpler time. And for all of the priests that are no longer with us.
I get like that going back to the very last pages of this forum when they first switched over. Some people like Elly will stop by from time to time but I wonder what a lot of the others are up to these days. Hopefully things are going well.

It was an extremely long time ago, and off topic as they may have been, but I enjoyed the priest recipe threads.
So the other day, I benched Marathal. 8 1/2 years playing him, over 363 days played. I just cannot grasp the style of playing required based on the design. From what I have heard, the play style will continue into BfA. He will still be in game, will log in to send out missions, to make Garrison Bags. But I am walking away from him. I had a great time playing him as a main, had a great experience interacting with so many of you over the years. Maybe he will be back some day. But there is no point trying to force myself. Many understand and love the new design, and I am glad you are having fun. But for me it was this choice to roll my first replacement ever, or walk away from the game.
I did that at the start of the expansion. And I regretted it instantly. Don't do iiiiiit
I'm just here to steal Vixies lunch money.
03/17/2018 02:18 AMPosted by Bujee
I went ahead and reread all of the old PW threads

This is a recipe for disaster.
03/17/2018 11:58 PMPosted by Zunde
I'm just here to steal Vixies lunch money.

Silly Zundey. I don't eat lunch. Or have any money.