PW: Blink twice if Vixie made you make this

03/05/2018 11:07 AMPosted by Nixxea
03/05/2018 10:03 AMPosted by Naturesway
If you have to ask you can't afford it!

A ZJ????

I got $4
Throw in some szechuan sauce and we can talk
no it's becky
who's becky?
I'm beckujy
03/05/2018 09:42 PMPosted by Bujee
I'm beckujy

"Bujecky" would have been better.

EDIT: On the other hand, "Beckujy" is sort of growing on me.
I finally got a half decent legendary. Now if only I could get gear to drop for me in Antorus and learn how to play, I might actually do damage.
03/06/2018 10:14 AMPosted by Nixxea
I finally got a half decent legendary. Now if only I could get gear to drop for me in Antorus and learn how to play, I might actually do damage.

Let me know, lvling as affli my dps blows- i can pull tons of stuff, just takes forever to kill it
03/06/2018 10:19 AMPosted by Naturesway
Let me know, lvling as affli my dps blows- i can pull tons of stuff, just takes forever to kill it

Oh, even at my GS, world mobs just melt. It's mostly about that raid boss damage and getting my talents sorted for m+. I wasn't too bothered by how quickly they died when I was leveling, but I've always enjoyed the absurdity of Aff multidotting while leveling. I once spent an hour and a half grinding mobs in that dig site full of tuskarr slaves in Borean Tundra because I was having so much fun pulling everything I had forgotten I finished the quests forever ago.
Affliction was pretty fun to level. It did feel slow for a bit, but yah. I wasn't too bothered by it, either. Mostly due to what you said next, the absurdity of multidotting. Made clearing out areas pretty fun.

I am a little worried about BFA changes. No more Drain Soul sounds weird. But, maybe speccing into Nightfall and shooting off a bunch of Shadow Bolts when you multidot a ton of stuff will be fun.
03/05/2018 09:38 PMPosted by Vixie
who's becky?

Figured you would have logged in for Trial of Style, and DMF
03/06/2018 02:50 PMPosted by Inviscerate
03/05/2018 09:38 PMPosted by Vixie
who's becky?

Figured you would have logged in for Trial of Style, and DMF

Nah, got whatever achievement for Trial of Style last time. And got my zepp mount from DMF so I'm done collecting tickets.

Nothing much else to do in the game and too busy with life right now. Plus caught a cold today so can't even think. Blargh.
<span class="truncated">...</span>

Figured you would have logged in for Trial of Style, and DMF

Nah, got whatever achievement for Trial of Style last time. And got my zepp mount from DMF so I'm done collecting tickets.

Nothing much else to do in the game and too busy with life right now. Plus caught a cold today so can't even think. Blargh.

Ya, end of xpac is pretty dead. Speaking of dead. if I get another chain of the unmaker from argus, i'm gonna toss my laptop.

Feel better
03/06/2018 03:57 PMPosted by Inviscerate
if I get another chain of the unmaker from argus, i'm gonna toss my laptop.

I don't have any chains of the unmaker, but i may do that anyway. Or, well, not toss it, but let my mother have it.

It's an Acer Aspire Switch 10 that I got for $80 a month or so ago, after I decided I needed some kind of portable computer since the desktop was the only one we had that wasn't flooded. Given the condition the new one's in, $80 was a ridiculously low price.

Unfortunately, it's less of a laptop and more of a tablet with a keyboard dock, so in true tablet fashion it has idiosyncratic parts and accordingly poor Linux support. I managed to get Kubuntu running after taking seven-and-a-half hours and recompiling the bootloader, but I've come to the conclusion that I can't make the sound or sleep functions work without compiling a custom kernel, which is well beyond my skills.

Probably I should have gone for a more traditional 2-in-1 laptop.

Anyway, I tried to resell it, but then my mother was like, no, I'll give you $80 for it because I want it. So now I'm back where I started.
03/02/2018 08:42 PMPosted by Knocrogue

03/02/2018 04:54 PMPosted by Marathal
I'm considering becoming a Blood Elf once again. Opinions?
That depends on why you are considering it.
If it's for the racial abilities, that could backfire since Arcane Torrent is getting nerfed. But, maybe the nerf wont be that damning. They're increasing the CD to 3mins. If it's for aesthetics, that's entirely on you!

I actually had an issue where I wanted to play a specific race Rogue. Rather than faction change around, I just leveled up several Rogues. I play 4 of them every day. So, you could always just level up a Blood Elf Priest and have it as a primary alt. :P

I look back on my history playing, and I realized I did more in the game when I was a Blood Elf. That, and people still recall when I was. I think it was the hair.
03/04/2018 09:41 PMPosted by Voidnixx
Can we talk about how good I am at character names?

14/10 would so use that name
03/08/2018 04:04 PMPosted by Marathal
I look back on my history playing, and I realized I did more in the game when I was a Blood Elf.

I pretty much was not playing this game until I race changed to void elf. Now I am 10/11 mythic. Funny how that works.
Welp, I ran into Nysem's trees. Turns out I'm not much of a tank with 0 armor.
I really enjoyed Hellfire Ramparts because almost every mob has a 30 second undispellable demoralizing shout that with all the changes to stat scaling is a pretty nasty damage reduction. Oh and the disarms and stuns and mortal strike, which are no different than before, but even with constant healing and cd usage (between the stuns) I was being hit way harder than in any of the other dungeons. In a lot of ways, it’s similar to how bc dungeons used to be...

Oh, and that disease in utgarde keep from the ghouls that you normally don’t notice cuts a huge portion of your damage too. At least that is dispellable.
The ideal group is one healer and four lightforged prot pallies. I'm like 50% of the damage in half of these instances. I'm lower on bosses, but still #1.