PW: Blink twice if Vixie made you make this

03/04/2018 04:12 AMPosted by Knocrogue
Oh my gosh, Dire Maul is a nightmare for that. The one with the Reaver ogres. They have a debuff that strips all your armor(the tooltip says a portion, so that can't be intended), then an MS effect reducing healing by 50%. And of course, no one respects CC. I hated tanking that dungeon. x.x

I once had to heal a Dire Maul group with three hunters in it. I don't think I need to say any more.
lol Yup. Hunters, man. There were quite a few times I would be in dungeons where they would pull. Funny, I rarely see other classes do that. I do remember a Warrior that would just charge in before I got there. Oh, there was a Stratholme run where a Druid kept pulling and we wiped. So, he got kicked. That was actually the only time I initiated a kick. :o
03/04/2018 10:16 AMPosted by Knocrogue
I don't understand why it undermines anything. If you're level 60, you should be going to Outland/Northrend to level. Why does it matter that mobs all Eastern Kingdoms or Kalimdor are 60?

Blizzard's original plan was to make everything scale to level cap. They were talked out of that.

For now.

And it undermines leveling because if you're not actually getting stronger relative to the world by leveling, then leveling serves no purpose except to waste your time. If the world looks the same relative to your character at level 60 as it did at level 1, what did you just spend the last level 60s accomplishing? Nothing but filling up an arbitrary meter that tells you when you can start playing the game.

Leveling in RPGs is supposed to be an expression of your character making use of the experience it is gaining. Experience points are quite literally meant to be a quantification of that experience. This is the foundation of leveling in RPGs. When leveling no longer makes you more powerful, what is leveling even supposed to be?

03/04/2018 10:16 AMPosted by Knocrogue
Do you actually log on all your toons every day?

No. I've never used my alts that way. I simply float back and forth from character to character as I please. Having different characters opens up playing the game different ways and doing different things. It also allows me to easily switch between factions or servers as necessary. I can also repeat content I want to repeat.
Regardless of whether or not the mobs HP and such scales up, you do unlock new skills and abilities which allows you have an easier time with them. Be it more damage related stuff or defensive. The sense of gaining power is still there.

That's how most RPGs I've played have been. You don't get to a high level then go to a lowbie zone and one-shot mobs. I really think the only RPG games I've ever played where you go back to lowbie zones and one-shot stuff is MMOs. Elder Scrolls games didn't really do that. Leveling was pretty much just unlocking new skills/perks. Other Non-MMO RPGs I've played were the Dishonored series, Fable series, and Assassin's Creed. All focus mostly on gaining new skills instead of outleveling things. :x

And if you're concerned about zone progression. Well, that will always be there and be very clear. Since there's quests. Once you're done the quests, you move on.
E: I will say, I am against full on scaling. All zones being 1-max. But, as long as when a new expansion comes out and the previous ones don't scale up, that's completely fine. As, you can still go back for your easy tmog gear, mounts and pets. The scaling limits they've set now seem mostly perfect.
As for alts. I see! I've always been one to just stick to a single toon and play alts for fun. o.o
Hello everyone I just want to introduce myself to this lovely community that I hope I can become apart of going forward! But I must say I leveled through red ridge last night and oh my god it was amazing, I loved everything about it, the Rambo references to the way it was tuned, I actually died a few times on some of the quest it was awesome! Can anyone recommend any other great zones to level through?
03/04/2018 01:58 PMPosted by Knocrogue
I really think the only RPG games I've ever played where you go back to lowbie zones and one-shot stuff is MMOs.

It was like that in all the old school RPGs like Final Fantasy and Dragon Quest. The world didn't scale with you. There weren't explicit zones in the open world, but there were invisible lines, and the mobs inside those lines didn't change.
Yah, I haven't really played JRPGs very much. I didn't mean to imply such things didn't exist. Just that, there's both out there. So, it's not really that bad, I don't think.
But yah. There is also that you do unlock zones as you level. So, there's progression there, too. Like, even in the 1-60, you can't just go straight to Badlands and and get Rhea's Last Egg. I really doubt they'll ever change that. I mean, it's not impossible. But, just very unlikely. So, I feel like it's really best of both worlds. You can stay in a zone and finish it without outleveling it. And, while it takes a bit more leveling than it otherwise would in the past, you do eventually get to the point where you outlevel them.
03/04/2018 02:04 PMPosted by Ethullan
Hello everyone I just want to introduce myself to this lovely community that I hope I can become apart of going forward! But I must say I leveled through red ridge last night and oh my god it was amazing, I loved everything about it, the Rambo references to the way it was tuned, I actually died a few times on some of the quest it was awesome! Can anyone recommend any other great zones to level through?

Hello, hi.

I'm not really sure if there are any other zones quite like Redridge mountain, aside from Uldum (at least in the sense that it's a never ending reference to a popular movie), but Maximillian of Northshire's quests in Un'goro Crater tend to be pretty popular.
03/04/2018 11:07 AMPosted by Knocrogue
lol Yup. Hunters, man. There were quite a few times I would be in dungeons where they would pull. Funny, I rarely see other classes do that. I do remember a Warrior that would just charge in before I got there. Oh, there was a Stratholme run where a Druid kept pulling and we wiped. So, he got kicked. That was actually the only time I initiated a kick. :o

My hunters all kept pulling and getting the group killed, but would never wait to be rezzed.

So one would die, and release. The mobs they pulled would turn on the rest of us and kill us one by one, and everyone would release. So we had people all rushing in at different times. Whenever I got there, I would try to rez whoever was still there, and whenever one of the hunters got there, they would barrage the whole room or whatever.

We only finished the dungeon because the one competent hunter basically soloed the last boss.

And it undermines leveling because if you're not actually getting stronger relative to the world by leveling, then leveling serves no purpose except to waste your time. If the world looks the same relative to your character at level 60 as it did at level 1, what did you just spend the last level 60s accomplishing? Nothing but filling up an arbitrary meter that tells you when you can start playing the game.

Oh, I hadn't considered this. The whole reason I buy every expansion of this game is to get revenge on the mobs from the previous expansion. :/

03/04/2018 02:04 PMPosted by Ethullan
Hello everyone I just want to introduce myself to this lovely community that I hope I can become apart of going forward! But I must say I leveled through red ridge last night and oh my god it was amazing, I loved everything about it, the Rambo references to the way it was tuned, I actually died a few times on some of the quest it was awesome! Can anyone recommend any other great zones to level through?

I've never seen Rambo, so I had no idea Redridge was connected to it when I played it.

If you liked Redridge, though, you should do Burning Steppes. Keeshan's in that one too, and I thought it was even better.
03/04/2018 02:04 PMPosted by Ethullan
Hello everyone I just want to introduce myself to this lovely community that I hope I can become apart of going forward! But I must say I leveled through red ridge last night and oh my god it was amazing, I loved everything about it, the Rambo references to the way it was tuned, I actually died a few times on some of the quest it was awesome! Can anyone recommend any other great zones to level through?

Hi, welcome to the priestpile!

You should make a Horde alt someday and go towards Tarren Mills from Silverpine. There's a quest chain called "Welcome to the Machine" and it's super entertaining, hilarious and poignant and emotional and crazy. It's the best quest chain in the game.

Maximillian of Northshire is also one of my faves. And "The Day Deathwing Came" in uhh...Badlands? By Kargath.

Have fun!

ps. Also do the quests for Lunk the Pacifist Ogre in Searing Gorge. Body surfing on spiders...lmao.
My FFXIV dailies didn't get done today. I blame Ethullan for inspiring me to go do Redridge again.
Can we talk about how good I am at character names?
Hi, welcome to the priestpile!

You should make a Horde alt someday and go towards Tarren Mills from Silverpine. There's a quest chain called "Welcome to the Machine" and it's super entertaining, hilarious and poignant and emotional and crazy. It's the best quest chain in the game.

Maximillian of Northshire is also one of my faves. And "The Day Deathwing Came" in uhh...Badlands? By Kargath.

Have fun!

ps. Also do the quests for Lunk the Pacifist Ogre in Searing Gorge. Body surfing on spiders...lmao.[/quote]

I have done that quest before actually my old main I am trading in for this guy was a goblin shadow priest lmao.
In any case sounds like badlands are where I need to go!! Thanks for the replies y'all
03/04/2018 09:41 PMPosted by Voidnixx
Can we talk about how good I am at character names?

I can second the motion!
03/05/2018 07:54 AMPosted by Zerohealz
03/04/2018 09:41 PMPosted by Voidnixx
Can we talk about how good I am at character names?

I can second the motion!

I'll third it!

Cool name party, count me in
Did I miss the boat?


What the hecky is a Ms. Becky?
03/05/2018 09:08 AMPosted by Nixxea
What the hecky is a Ms. Becky?

If you have to ask you can't afford it!
03/05/2018 10:03 AMPosted by Naturesway
If you have to ask you can't afford it!

A ZJ????