PW: Blink twice if Vixie made you make this

Why are your shoulders so tiny Knocrogue? Or neck too long. We're the same model and you look super emaciated.

Question cuz I'm too lazy to read FAQs...can I race change a level 100 Alliance to void elf and level to 110 to get the heirloom armor (whatever the heck that is)? Or have to make a brand new one and level all the way manually?
02/28/2018 05:05 PMPosted by Vixie
Question cuz I'm too lazy to read FAQs...can I race change a level 100 Alliance to void elf and level to 110 to get the heirloom armor (whatever the heck that is)? Or have to make a brand new one and level all the way manually?

You have to level manually. (They check your birth certificate.)
02/28/2018 05:05 PMPosted by Vixie
Why are your shoulders so tiny Knocrogue? Or neck too long. We're the same model and you look super emaciated.
It must just be the color/lighting. O.O
02/28/2018 05:58 PMPosted by Mer
02/28/2018 05:05 PMPosted by Vixie
Question cuz I'm too lazy to read FAQs...can I race change a level 100 Alliance to void elf and level to 110 to get the heirloom armor (whatever the heck that is)? Or have to make a brand new one and level all the way manually?

You have to level manually. (They check your birth certificate.)

I was just bitterly reminded about how our entire legion order hall line culminated in a grandiose climax of "oh please save us oh great paladins we can't even defend our own class hall oh what would we do without you."

I just had to go browsing through more Legion lore and Lothraxion's background. A mistake.
02/27/2018 09:45 PMPosted by Mer
Oh and RE: your other post in that other thread, yes, British accents ruin everything. Seriously awful. I just don't play with the character emotes very loud, and I have character voice for errors and !@#$ turned off. So the "I need more mana!" stuff is all disabled. F that noise (for any race).

They don't say "I need more mana!" they say "mana is needed" in a very droning type of voice.
<Shkan and Friends> is officially 11/11 N as a guild, so we expect to have M Argus down shortly.
03/01/2018 06:16 PMPosted by Bujee
They don't say "I need more mana!" they say "mana is needed" in a very droning type of voice.

Bad accents and passive voice? Where is Kerias to endure this with us!?
03/01/2018 10:05 PMPosted by Nixxia
<Shkan and Friends> is officially 11/11 N as a guild, so we expect to have M Argus down shortly.

Sweet! I'll come and do some casual raiding on my alts! Oh wait I'm not invited HUE
03/02/2018 08:07 AMPosted by Mer
03/01/2018 10:05 PMPosted by Nixxia
<Shkan and Friends> is officially 11/11 N as a guild, so we expect to have M Argus down shortly.

Sweet! I'll come and do some casual raiding on my alts! Oh wait I'm not invited HUE

That feel I know!
03/02/2018 08:07 AMPosted by Mer
Sweet! I'll come and do some casual raiding on my alts! Oh wait I'm not invited HUE

You seem very dedicated to your digital hermit lifestyle.

Also, Bladefox is back. I'm not sure if you are part of that fan club, but he's going to carry us all with his Shadowmourne because he struggles with saying no to Loko, I guess.

03/02/2018 08:04 AMPosted by Mer
Bad accents and passive voice? Where is Kerias to endure this with us!?

Swooning over FFXIV, which is all about British accents these days.
03/02/2018 08:42 AMPosted by Nixxia
Swooning over FFXIV, which is all about British accents these days.

Unfortunately the voices themselves are still awful and grating. My own character has the most annoying voice ever, all reedy and wheezy. But at the time of character creation it was the only acceptable one. The others were all so high-pitched they were grating, or so low-pitched they started to sound kind of hot, which is really creepy on a lalafell.
03/02/2018 10:03 AMPosted by Icpitl
Unfortunately the voices themselves are still awful and grating. My own character has the most annoying voice ever, all reedy and wheezy. But at the time of character creation it was the only acceptable one. The others were all so high-pitched they were grating, or so low-pitched they started to sound kind of hot, which is really creepy on a lalafell.

The voice acting is rather terrible, aside from Ser Aymeric of the Voice.

I was rather surprised at some of the comments when they changed it. People were saying it was great that they no longer had fake British accents, which I thought was weird because in ARR I didn't really think they sounded like they were from anywhere. I figured that was just what Eorzeans sound like. This though? It is just so obviously British all the time, though I've mostly gotten used to it.
02/28/2018 09:53 PMPosted by Vixie
<span class="truncated">...</span>

You have to level manually. (They check your birth certificate.)


Especially given how you level. It took like 5 years for your warrior
I'm considering becoming a Blood Elf once again. Opinions?
The voice acting is rather terrible, aside from Ser Aymeric of the Voice.

The skies darken and the earth splits asunder as I stand upon my pedestal of superiority

Why, the Japanese voice actors are just excellent!

In all seriousness I tend to prefer the Japanese VA work in almost any game where it's available. There's just something about the way Japanese can be spoken with such intensity that just comes off as cringe in English, usually leaving the English scenes fine on emotional or sad fronts but awkward in serious high intensity moments.

FFXIV ARR Vanilla Spoiler!

Like when the Sultana and Raubahn have their emotional scenes during the coup. It just felt so much more powerful in Japanese.

Of course there are downsides to "subs," one of the largest being unable to understand background conversations or combat/scenario commentary. Same problem in Xenoblade 2.

Man just talking about it reminds me about what a great story FFXIV has, what great character development, constant plot twists you actually don't (usually) see coming. Makes me wonder if Blizz could write equally compelling stories in WoW if they weren't so constrained by the general populace and "faction bias."
I didn't really mind the VO in FF14. Granted, I only played the trial with the level 35 cap, so I didn't get too much story. As far as I could tell, there really wasn't much VO. I guess there is a lot more in later quests?
03/02/2018 04:54 PMPosted by Marathal
I'm considering becoming a Blood Elf once again. Opinions?
That depends on why you are considering it.
If it's for the racial abilities, that could backfire since Arcane Torrent is getting nerfed. But, maybe the nerf wont be that damning. They're increasing the CD to 3mins. If it's for aesthetics, that's entirely on you!

I actually had an issue where I wanted to play a specific race Rogue. Rather than faction change around, I just leveled up several Rogues. I play 4 of them every day. So, you could always just level up a Blood Elf Priest and have it as a primary alt. :P
03/02/2018 08:42 PMPosted by Knocrogue
I didn't really mind the VO in FF14. Granted, I only played the trial with the level 35 cap, so I didn't get too much story. As far as I could tell, there really wasn't much VO. I guess there is a lot more in later quests?

Yes. Also, any voiced stuff you're hearing is the original voice actors. The replacement didn't happen until Heavensward, which was the first expansion and covers everything following the finale of the level 50 story quests.
Um. Has anyone tried to do the quest "Subdue the Subduer," the quest you get in the netherwing questline from Outlands since 7.3.5?

It's um, sort of impossible to complete as an Undead since it makes you fire a beam at a demon lord for 90 seconds, and that beam deals damage, which triggers the Undead passive Touch of the Grave that instantly kills the demon and doesn't trigger the quest as completed.

I just dropped 8k on a khorium power core for the extra rep towards Netherwing so this really sucks. I tried to work around it by proccing Touch of the Grave by autoattacking nearby trash until it triggers, but 90 seconds of channeling the beam means it's always going to proc again and kill the demon :/
What if you....hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. try using a costume that makes you unable to use any spells? Might disable the quest item too.

Find someone at the same point in the quest and group with them to do it?

HMMMMMMMM. Race change temporarily!? Naww. But maybe. Race change and refund...